Číslo 1 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jakubec, Ivan
Marta POTUŽNÍKOVÁ. Audi-Werbung 1909–1965. Eine medienwissenschaftliche Analyse Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2015, ISBN 978-3-631-66525-1, 356 pages. |
Boček, Jakub
VLHA, Marek. Mezi starou vlastí a Amerikou. Počátky české krajanské komunity v USA 19. století. Praha: Matice moravská 2015, ISBN 978-80-87709-13-9, 422 pages. |
Janek, István
Czechoslovakia and the Hungarian revolution in 1956 In 1956, the Czechoslovak authorities successfully suppressed all traces of a potential uprising. It can be stated that peace was not seriously disturbed in both the Czech and the Slovak territories, and no significant movement took place. The Czechoslovak society was not yet prepa... |
Skřivan jr., Aleš
On the character of the foreign trade of the People’s republic of China in the period 1949–1969 Foreign trade was one of the first areas of the Chinese economy which passed completely under the state control after the establishment of the Communist regime in China. The Beijing government started to build a new institutional model inspired by the Soviet experience. Like i... |
Simándi, Irén
The “fight for peace” in the airwaves: Tito, “the chained dog of imperialists” The radio broadcasts from countries involved in the Cold War had a major role in promoting relevant propaganda. Of course, this applied to the Hungarian Radio Corporation as well. In this study, with an analysis of the documents of the Hungarian Radio, we will present a... |
Johnson, Zdenka
Financing the German economy during the second world war The study deals with financing state expenditures and war economy of the Third Reich during the SecondWorldWar. Based on macroeconomic analysis of economic development in relation to the concept of total war, the changes in the German economy allowing Nazis’ war efforts to continue... |
Császár, Ildikó
From isolation to active foreign policy: the hungarian-italian treaty of friendship of 1927 In my paper, I present the antecedents of the Hungarian-Italian Treaty of Friendship, Conciliation and Arbitration of 1927. After the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary tried to find allies to broke out of the international isolation, but was faced with numerous difficulties. While the Bet... |
Rašková, Eva
The National association of Northern Bohemia: a few remarks concerning its foundation, organization, and activities The paper deals with the foundation, organization and activity of the national protective association, which existed in the northern border regions of Bohemia in the period of 1885–1948. It was the National Association of Northern Bohemia (NANB) and it protected the so-called “border... |
Kondrys, Jan
Islamic modernism: a legitimate part of a historical tradition of islamic thought The topic of this paper is Islamic modernism, an important school of thought within modern Islam, a source of inspiration for various current progressive movements and individual intellectuals across the Muslim world. A brief introductory definition of Islamic modernism with the description&... |
Osewe Akubor, Emmanuel
From developing economy to international monopoly (dependency) and unequal exchange: historicizing economic woes of the Nigerian region since colonial period Before the advent of colonialism, the African region was towing a path towards developing a self-sufficient and sustaining economy, in which Trade apart from being a medium of exchange, served as a tool for integration and exchange of idea of the various peoples occupy what... |
Kilián, Jan
Ein Landwirt aus Böhmen während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges: der erzgebirgische Chronist Michel Stüeler und seine landwirtschaftliche Produktion The study deals with agricultural production of the burgher of Krupka (Graupen) in Northern Bohemia Michel Stüeler, who was although primarily a craftsman, a tanner, but as a result of the events of the Thirty Years’ War and the demands of the craftsmenworking he paid mor... |
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