Katedra informatiky a výpočetní techniky / Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Poslední příspěvky
Zikmund, Tomáš
Inovace datového modelu inventáře a sbírky dokumentů The diploma qualification thesis focuses on exploring the possibilities of innovating the data model of the inventory and collection of documents from the reign of Emperor Rudolf II. The project of the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,&... |
Pavlíčková, Viktorie
Interoperabilita obrazových dat pomocí frameworku IIIF This thesis explores the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), which is used to improve the management and accessibility of digital image data. The main objective of the thesis is to map the current use of the IIIF in an academic setting and to analyse its... |
Bozděch, Josef
Možnosti analytického rozšíření úložiště Data Lakehouse The thesis discusses the analytical and statistical possibilities of extending the Data Lakehouse data warehouse. First, the concept of Data Lakehouse is examined, then existing implementations of this repository - Databricks and the Data Lakehouse concept, which is built upon in this t... |
Horínek, Milan
Generování jednotkových testů s využitím LLM This thesis explores the use of large language models (LLMs) for automated generation of software tests, specifically GUI web applications. The chosen approach investigates whether the generated tests are not only matching the functional requirements of the software, but also whether they... |
Urban, Petr
Zabezpečení distribuovaných cloudových systémů The goal of this thesis was to explore microservices and web services, focusing on their communication capabilities. Furthermore, an analysis of safe communication, trust, identity, and access management, along with authentication and authorization within these architectures was made in order to&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- 56 web application
- 54 webová aplikace
- 47 android
- 44 java
- další >
- 604 bakalářská práce
- 490 diplomová práce
- 287 2020 - 2024
- 807 2012 - 2019