Applied Electronics 2015 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Košan, Tomáš
Jára, Martin
Blahník, Vojtěch
Peroutka, Zdeněk
A universal configurable sinusoidal modulator for H-bridge based converters implemented in FPGA This paper describes a universal sinusoidal modulator developed primarily for the multilevel cascaded H-bridges converters. The modulator was implemented as a FPGA entity and its versatile features allows it to be easily reused in various topologies based on H-bridges. This includes the ... |
Konečný, Ivan
Kroupa, Michael
Polanský, Radek
Prosr, Pavel
Steiner, František
Innovated relays for railway signalling and interlocking This paper deals with accelerated life tests and a verification of technical parameters of an innovated electromechanical relay intended for applications in railway signalling and interlocking. |
Kment, Attila
Pípa, Marek
Janíček, František
Automated measurements of mechanical strength and durability of selected cables Contribution deals with automated measurements of mechanical parameters and current carrying capacity of selected Aluminum-conductor Steel-reinforced (ACSR) cables and a combined optical ground cable. After a detail description of realized tests indication of future use of obtained results follow. |
Kelnar, Michal
Vanuš, Jan
Martínek, Radek
Bilík, Petr
Koziorek, Jiří
Žídek, Jan
Visualization and communication system for robotic head control This article describes the design and implementation of visualization and communication system used to control a robotic head. This document also describes the solution for communication protocol used by internal data bus of the robotic equipment and the proposal for communication protocol... |
Kartci, Aslihan
Ayten, Umut Engin
Herencsar, Norbert
Sotner, Roman
Vrba, Kamil
Jeřábek, Jan
Floating capacitance multiplier simulator for grounded RC colpitts oscillator design Actively simulated grounded floating capacitance multipliers have been used in several applications ranging from filter to oscillator design as well as cancellation of parasitic capacitances. In this paper, a new electronically-controllable floating lossless capacitance multiplier (C-Multiplier) circuit is ... |
Jílek, Jiří
Štork, Milan
Wrist cuff method determines diastolic pressure in dual cuff blood pressure system Single cuff noninvasive blood pressure (BP) measurements performed manually or automatically are subject to errors. We developed an experimental system that uses two cuffs in order to improve accuracy of noninvasive BP measurement. This study concentrated on a novel determination of diastoli... |
Janík, Dušan
Košan, Tomáš
Janouš, Štěpán
Sadský, Jaroslav
Peroutka, Zdeněk
The SVPWM modulation technique with active voltage balancing control for 3-level ANPC inverter This paper presents advanced modulation technique for three-phase three-level ANPC inverter for drive applications. The Design of the converter allows actively balance the losses in the converter which results in higher power density, increase of reliability and lifetime of the converter. Th... |
Hrbáč, Roman
Kolář, Václav
Novák, Tomáš
Prototype of a luxmeter with high sensitivity suitable for long-term data recording This paper describes the development and testing of HK-01 Data Logger luxmeter. This luxmeter is able to operate automatically and record obtained data. This device is used to measure illuminance and it is characterized by a wide range, from 10mlx to 100klx. Its resolution is&... |
Hofmann, Gerhard
Scharfenberg, Georg
Random Hardware failure compliance of a cell balancing circuit with the requirements of automotive functional safety Lithium ion batteries have become established as an energy storage for electric vehicles. An essential component for optimal utilization of the stored charge is a cell balancing between the individual cells. There are several standard applications on the market now. In this paper i... |
Hloušek, Petr
Advanced methods of design of complex track circuits Problems with implementation of complex track circuit design methods are described in this paper. These complex track circuits are called branched TCs, because they consist of several branches, mostly equipped with receivers. The adjustment table design of these TCs is therefore more co... |
Steiner, František
Hirman, Martin
Influence of electrically conductive adhesive amount on shear strength of glued joints This paper deals with the influence of electrically conductive adhesive amount on shear strength of joints glued by EPO-TEK® H20S and MG 8331S. These joints were made by gluing of chip resistors 1206, 0805 and 0603 with two curing profiles for each adhesive. The different ... |
Hargaš, Libor
Koniar, Dušan
Loncová, Zuzana
Hrianka, Miroslav
Hurtuková, Zuzana
Simonová, Anna
Regular shapes detection for analysis of biomedical image sequences Segmentation of moving areas in high-speed biomedical video sequences captured by light microscope often contains some false-positive results which are generated by artifacts present in the image, e.g. air bubbles or red blood cells moving across the video. Such artifacts are common par... |
Gil-García, Jose Miguel
García, Iker
Zubia, Joseba
Aranguren, Gerardo
Measurement of blade tip clearance and time of arrival in turbines using an optic sensor Turbine blades suffer vibrations when they rotate inside a turbo machine. The measurement of those vibrations can indicate a problem in the working regime currently in use or can assess the quality of a manufactured rotating part. In order to evaluate the vibratory state of... |
Fikejz, Filip
Frič, Marek
Correlation between three facial vibration measurement methods This paper deals with the facial surface vibration measurement performed by three different methods. Facial vibrations were measured during performing the resonance voice exercises with different shape of vocal tract or with different length of the resonance tube. Vibrations were measured on... |
Eichler, Jakub
Košek, Miloslav
Novák, Miroslav
Two methods of scalar Preisach function identification for grain oriented steel This paper presents the implementation of the Preisach hysteresis model of a soft magnetic material. The model application is especially useful in the study of transition effects in power transformers like an inrush current or a ferroresonance. The main problem in the use of t... |
Dudáček, Karel
Vavřička, Vlastimil
Dudáček jr., Karel
Comparison of short delay measurement methods The article describes and compares various digital methods for measurement of short delay between fast analogue signals. A brief characterization of measured signals is given in the first chapter. In the second chapter, there are described various measurement methods. In the third chapt... |
Dostálek, Libor
Ledvina, Jiří
Strong authentication for internet mobile application 4G networks to utilize Voice over LTE (VoLTE). VoLTE uses similar authentication mechanisms such as HTTP. It is therefore possible that a web client on the mobile device will use for authentication mechanism originally designed for the VoLTE [10]. I.e. to use the AKA mechanism... |
Dobiáš, Martin
Št'astný, Jakub
Classifying direction of the right index finger movement from delta band activity using HMM This contribution examines the usage of low frequency components (<; 5 Hz) in single trial EEG recordings obtained during right index finger movement for classification of reaching and grasping movements. These components contain delta band activity and Movement Related Potentials (MRPs) ... |
Brtník, Bohumil
Matoušek, David
Modified summary graph method solving of the SC circuits As there are also graph methods of circuit analysis in addition to algebraic methods, it is clearly possible in theory to carry out an analysis of the whole switched circuit in two-phase switching exclusively by the graph method as well. For this purpose it is possible... |
Brtník, Bohumil
Solving of the switched circuits by combination diakoptic methods and by combined transformation method This paper deals with application of the diakoptic method in analyse of the switched circuits. There are a few methods for assembling of the matrix which is circuit described. Combination diakoptic method which combine the combined transformation method and the decomposition of the ... |
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