2016 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 49 z 49
Dudáček, Luděk
Model vytížení přijímače ADS-B na nízkých oběžných drahách

Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) is system used for plane localization and tracking in order to air traffic management (ATM). Aircraft equipped by the ADS-B periodically transmits flight related information in the form of Mode-S 1090ES data signal. ADS-B mess...

Zavřel, Martin
Napěťový střídač s SiC moduly

This topic is focused on issue of proposal, constructing and commissioning of voltage inverter with SiC (Silicon-Carbide) modules for needs of electric kart. The base of proposal are in the numerical simulation of inverter (thus on calculation ratios of voltage, current, losses and ...

Votava, Martin , Glasberger, Tomáš
Prediktivní řízení kaskádního zapojení měničů s ochranou IGBT proti přetížení

Model predictive control of dual inverter is extended to consider thermal balancing and temperature limits of IGBTs. The thermal model is formulated using switching losses. A steady state of the thermal model is added into the cost function. When the critical temperature is approac...

Lufinka, Ondřej
Ultrazvukový vysílač a přijímač s možností datové komunikace a měření vzdálenosti více bodů

This paper deals with the problem of the short distance measurement between two (or more) moving points with the ability of a simple data communication. Different possibilities were explored and using the ultrasonic transceiver was then chosen for a future development. The article ...

Hromádka, Aleš
Dynamická stabilita v elektrizační soustavě ČR

In this article is mentioned several important aspects of dynamic stability of power system in the Czech Republic. All necessary explanations about dynamic stability are explained below. In the conclusion is shown possible solution of problem with overflow of performance from German sid...

Hrbek, Jan
Výpočet hustoty tepelných toků z metalické části coria

The article deals with numerical calculations of a heat flux from molten stainless steel (representing a metallic part of a corium) through a calorimeter wall. The problem is solved using the heat transfer equation with defined boundary conditions. The calculation results a...

Nazarčík, Tomáš
Vliv velikosti přenášeného výkonu a délky vedení na proudovou nesymetrii netransponovaného kombinovaného vedení 2x400 kV + 2x110 kV

This article is concerned with the phase current asymmetry on the combined non-transposed transmission line that carries circuits of different voltages. The current asymmetry has been analyzed on the created two-port transmission line model, which allows taking into account the mutual induct...

Paločko, Lukáš
Spektrum sigma-delta modulace

The objective of this paper was describe spectrum of the sigma delta modulation and their normalization to the Power Spectral Density (PSD) .

Hahn, Pavel
Hodnocení vybraných olejů po zrychleném tepelném stárnutí pomocí FT-IR spektroskopie

This paper is focused on the analysis of liquid electrical insulation materials used in electrical devices. Three types of oil were tested by accelerated thermal ageing. The oils were aged in a thermal chamber at elevated temperature of 130 °C during 672 hours. FT...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 49 z 49