Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vaško, Ondřej
Odhad vývoje evropské elektrické výroby v kontextu současných geo- \\politických problémů The Bachelor's thesis "Estimation of the Development of European Electricity Generation in the Context of Current Geopolitical Issues" discusses the possibilities of future development based on the current state of European electricity generation. The aim of the thesis is to present... |
Klíma, Jan
Uplatnění bateriového energetického úložiště v síťových podpůrných službách ČR he present bachelor thesis focuses on the application of battery storage systems for network support services. With the increasing share of renewable energy sources, the problem of storage and optimization of power grid operation is more difficult than ever before. The nowadays promisin... |
Sem, Vojtěch
Nečistoty jaderného paliva a strukturálních materiálů a jejich vliv na zadní část palivového cyklu Comparison of radionuclide activities during cooling times for fuel assembly with and without impurities |
Hábl, Vojtěch
Metody on-line diagnostiky, senzory a přenos dat v systémech elektrických strojů a zařízení VN This bachelor thesis deals with the theoretical description of on-line diagnostic systems for high-voltage devices, applicable methods, and applicable sensors. Furthermore, data acquisition and communication systems in industrial networks are described. This thesis focuses on partial discharge monitoring, ... |
Fíla, Vojtěch
Větrná energetika v České republice a ve světě This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of wind energy in the Czech Republic and in the world. In the introductory part, the history and development of wind energy is presented, including an overview of different types of wind power plants and a description of the ... |
Drozný, Lukáš
Elektroizolační materiály pro točivé stroje a jejich budoucnost This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of electrical insulating materials with a focus on rotating machines. There are rotating machines and their windings defined in the introductory chapters of the work. The following chapters describe the individual properties of insulators, which ... |
Vurm, Vojtěch
Vliv polohy a druhu termočlánku na přesnost měření teplot v oblasti indukčních ohřevů Presented bachelor thesis deals with temperature measurement using thermocouples in the field of induction heating, especially in surface hardening. It investigates the suitability of a specific type of thermocouple for this application and the influence of its presence on the measured value... |
Chvála, Daniel
Návrh nové distribuční sítě This bachelor work is focused on design of new low voltage line cable. The documentation describes new connecting of 35 objects and ČSN a PNE standards which we have to follow. New low voltage line is designed for the future connection of new energy infrastructure. |
Vojta, Jan
Přehled technologií pro akumulaci energie The bachelor thesis deals with the possibilities of electrical energy storage for large, grid scale storage systems. In the first part of the thesis, energy storage systems are described. In particular, attention is paid to systems used by large mass storage systems. The second... |
Pixa, Lukáš
Formula Student - Koncept stínění z pohledu elektromagnetické kompatibility This bachelor's thesis deals with possibilities of improving the electromagnetic compatibility of devices that use for their function electric motors powered by high power supply of PWM generated signals. Although the PWM modulation is very suitable for generating AC signals from D... |
Tichý, David
Průkaz energetické náročnosti budovy The topic of this bachelor thesis is the evaluation of energy losses of buildings, the result of which is the issuance of the Building Energy Performance Certificate (BEPC). The thesis deals only with heat losses and not with other factors influencing the Energy Performance Ce... |
Šmejkal, Vojtěch
Nanometrické přísady pro kompozitní materiály The bachelor's thesis is focused on the description of parts and characteristics of composite materials with nanometric additives. Particular phases are explained and characteristics of materials used for production are described. The thesis includes the reminder of important milestones from ... |
Malík, Vojtěch
IoT systémy pro úsporu energií v bytových domech a domácnostech The assigned bachelor thesis deals with IoT systems for energy savings in apartment buildings and households. The work first focuses on the basic definition of the IoT system, its history, communication protocols, security, and possible energy savings. It is dedicated in particular to... |
Maňas, Martin
Identifikace vnitřního odporu lithiového článku v režimu nabíjení The subject of the bachelor thesis is to determine the internal resistance of a lithium battery during charging. The thesis examines the change in internal resistance, especially with regard to the change in temperature and amount of the charging current. It describes the lithium... |
Kupilík, Tomáš
Zkoušky a diagnostika kabelů The bacheror thesis focuses mainly on diagnostics and testing of cables. First, the bachelor's thesis deals with the description of individual parts, properties and parameters of the cable. The second part is focused on methods of testing and diagnostics of the cable assemblies,... |
Šimánek, Hynek
Zhodnocení připravenosti podniku na požadavky Zelené Dohody EU The presented bachelor thesis is focused on a summary of available information on a set of proposals adapting EU policy in the fields of energy, climate, transport and taxation so that they can contribute to reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030... |
Nolč, Lukáš
Určení pohltivosti akustických prvků v dozvukové komoře ve svislé konfiguraci This bachelor's thesis deals with the theory of measurements in the reverberation chamber. The theoretical part defines technical terms, procedures and methods used in room acoustics and in measuring reverberation time. The practical part is focused to the production of the construction&... |
Smeták, Jan
Možnosti regulace vytápění budov pomocí tepelného čerpadla s využitím predikce The present bachelor thesis is focused on the regulation of building heating using a heat pump with the use of prediction. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether a neural network is capable of learning the physical principles involved in heating a building with... |
Pešek, Daniel
Návrh a konstrukce elektronkového mikrofonního předzesilovače This bachelor thesis deals with the design and construction of a tube microphone preamplifier. The theoretical part of the thesis contains an introduction to microphones and preamplifiers, the requirements for the functions and design of the prototype preamplifier are set out and the... |
Mészáros, Vojtěch
Ekonomické hodnocení integrace bateriového úložiště u domácích fotovoltaických instalací This work deals with the economic evaluation of the integration of battery systems into domestic photovoltaic installations First, the principle of photovoltaic function is explained, while the types of photovoltaic panels and their construction are introduced. Subsequently, the principle of batt... |