Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ullmann, Jan
Technologie SMR pro dálkové vytápění v ČR In the first part, the presented work deals mainly with an overview of small modular reactors for district heating in the Czech Republic. The overview of reactors was complied on the basis of power diversification, and also with regard to the country of origin of the ... |
Řimnáč, Jan
Vyhodnocení napěťových a výkonových poměrů na distribučních trafostanicích vn/nn This bachelors thesis contains assessment of measuring distribution transformer stations MV/LV by distribution network operator. Specific quantities are calculated to check voltage variations determined by standard. Average and maximum loading of distribution transformer stations are calculated from measur... |
Hazuka, Ondřej
Zhodnocení současných technologických možností 3D tisku a kalibrace vícemateriálového 3D tisku The aim of this study is to explore the current 3D printing technologies, their advantages and disadvantages along with their possible applications via research. At the same time, the study mentions the history of this technology and potential future applications such as the prolif... |
Dykas, Michal
Řadiče pro malé OLED zobrazovače The presented bachelor thesis is focused on information gathering and practical control of controllers for small OLED displays. It contains basic information about OLED displays, introduction of some used controllers and general overview. Further it research communication options and principles o... |
Hlinomaz, Václav
Návrh dronu This thesis is about the design of the multirotor optimized for the longest possible flight time when hovering. First part of the thesis is radio controlled flying machines building theory, analysis of their propulsion system and their control systems. The design will include choos... |
Bělík, Martin
Základní elektromagnetický návrh elektrického stroje pro naviják This thesis deals with the design of permanent magnet synchronous machine with an inner rotor. The motor is designed to driving a winch mounted on a vehicle. Used magnets are made of rare earth NdFeB material. The thesis contains search of the market available winches, to... |
Kroj, Luděk
Software pro zpracování dat z měření The work deals with the description and processing of measured data from the I&C RICE. It describes commonly used formats for storing data from measuring systems with a focus on the formats used by the RICE testing laboratory, especially the NI TDMS and MS XLSX format... |
Kolerus, Josef
Ztráty v elektrických točivých strojích The content of the bachelor thesis are losses in rotating machines divided into parts according to physical parameters. The partial losses are divided into individual chapters, in which their origin is physically explained, their size and methods of reduction are determined. The losses&... |
Kraft, Matěj
Průzkum současných závodů elektrických dopravních prostředků a jejich tříd The bachelor thesis is focused on a research review of electric-driven races, which are currently taking place at the moment. The growing popularity of electric vehicles has started the creation of the new racing series. There is an increasing trend in the popularity of electr... |
Paveza, Tomáš
Návrh bezkartáčového stejnosměrného motoru využívajícího Halbachovo pole This thesis is focused on design of a brushless direct current motor which use Halbach array of permanent magnets with double rotor and together with stator they are 3D printed. Typical arrengements of BLDC motor are discussed in the first part of this thesis, following b... |
Novotný, Radim
Způsoby galvanického oddělení signálů This bachelor thesis tries to show wide range of technologies used for galvanic isolation of signals in power inverters, main focus is on inverters with transistors. In theoretical part are shown mechanism of isolation and practically used integrated circuits that come from needs i... |
Mencl, Dominik
Problematika připojování obnovitelných zdrojů energie do distribuční sítě This bachelor thesis deals with connecting of renewable sources to the distribution grid. Laws and ordinances dealing with requirements for connected sources are described here. For sources of bigger powers are analysed especially requirements for requlation of active and reactive power. In&... |
Rejzek, Patrik
Inteligentní osvětlení interiéru The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the actual quality of family house lighting system, subsequently create a new family house lighting system design, with regarding the effect of light on human biological rhythms. Theoretical part of this bachelor thesis is... |
Bůžek, Ondřej
Potenciál rozvoje mikrokogenerace v České republice The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to assess the possibility of developing micro-cogeneration in the Czech Republic and its use for frequency and voltage regulation in the power system. At the beginning of the thesis, the principle of frequency and voltage regulation in&... |
Urbánek, Leoš
Výpočet větrné elektrárny při respektování ekonomických a ekologických požadavků Obtaining electricity from renewable energy sources is a very often discussed topic today. Of course, these renewable sources include wind, which represents a large part of the electricity produced using these "green" sources. While technologically this way of generating electricity is&... |
Janoch, Kamil
Problematika spolupráce trakčních napájecích stanic 25 kV / 50 Hz a třífázové elektrizační soustavy Presented bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of cooperation between railway power substations and distribution network that is powering it. Main topic is the issue of unsymmetrical loads connected to the distribution network in the context of railway power substations. In the first... |
Kugel, Lubomír
Akumulace elektrické energie The bachelor's thesis deals with the rationale for the accumulation of electricity and then presents examples of today's known possibilities of accumulation, their technology and principle of operation. Their properties are assessed not only from an energy point of view, but also... |
Mertl, Miroslav
Opětné zapnutí asynchronního motoru na síť The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of restarting asynchronous motors and their function, construction and different starting methods. The thesis attempts to present the characteristics of the different starting methods. This includes their advantages, disadvantages and the behaviour of th... |
Frasyňuk, Stanislav
Přeprava vyhořelého jaderného paliva This Bachelor thesis describes a possible destination of spent nuclear fuel from Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant in TEPLATOR usage. TEPLATOR is an alternative use for the spent nuclear fuel instead of permanent storage. The main outcome of this thesis is a proposed location for T... |
Klíma, Martin
Výpočet zkratových proudů v průmyslové síti In theorethical part, this thesis describes types, causations and consequences of short - circuits in electrical networks and time progression, components and characteristic values of short - circuit current. It also describes calculation of short - circuit current using method of equivalent voltage source ... |