Title: Motor Control Power Transistor Authenticity Analysis
Authors: Neumann, P.
Citation: Electroscope. 2020, č. 1.
Issue Date: 2020
Document type: článek
ISSN: 1802-4564
Keywords: analýza
rentgenová analýza
MOSFET tranzistory
Keywords in different language: analysis
X-ray analysis
MOSFET transistors
Abstract in different language: he range of genuine electronic components both in active production and out of active production (obsolete) corresponds almost exactly with the range of fake components we can encounter on the market in common. Most risky deals are price “attractive” purchases via internet or from unknown sources via many resellers having no traceability to present to the customer. One such situation relates to our recent analysis of power MOSFET transistors assembled in a motor control application. Our goal was to reveal if transistor samples presented to us are bearing features of counterfeiting activities. The procedure applied for genuine origin assessment encompassed the optical analysis of component package marking, X-ray analysis, and IV characteristic comparison with reference component as well. The paper brings description of evaluation steps and a conclusion as well. The article accompanies illustrating pictures and diagrams.
Rights: © 2020 Electroscope
Appears in Collections:Číslo 1 (2020)
Číslo 1 (2020)

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