Číslo 1 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bouřa, A.
Photovoltaic panel Spice modelling The paper presents a universal Spice model that can be used for modelling the photovoltaic panels (PV) – namely the DC characteristics. The model was built on simplified schematic and fitting its parameters to the measured data. There were developed two types of the models... |
Janůš, T.
Šteffan, P.
Smart Waste Management Based on Fog and NB-IoT The increasing number of people on the planet brings, among other things, increasing waste production. This increase in waste is a major problem, especially in urban areas. IoT, fog computing and cloud computing offer automation to collect and evaluate data from systems that change... |
Janicek, V.
Novak, J.
Teplý, T.
Husák, M.
Boura, A.
IoT monitoring system for farmers This paper discusses the concept, design and testing monitoring system for the needs of farmers.The system consists of integrated autonomous BLE beacons, which are located on monitored objects (i... |
Hirman, M.
Navrátil, J.
Hamáček, A.
Steiner, F.
Mechanical Testing of Joints Glued/Soldered on Textile Ribbons This paper deals with the assembly of SMD chip resistors onto a conductive textile ribbon by soldering or gluing. The main goal of our research was to verify the reliability of joints after jerk testing of ribbons. The results showed that soldered / glued joints on... |
Kadlečíková, M.
Transformer fault detection based on Raman analysis of the transformer oil (A case study) The paper reports on an experiment in the academic laboratory that aimed to detect a transformer fault by Raman spectroscopy of the transformer oil. Indicators of oil degradation (eg gases, sludge, cellulose) could not be detected. Combustion indicators (soot – graphitic particles, grap... |
Kadlečíková, M.
Detection of pollutants in the grease of a bearing by EDS and SEM: A case study The most common cause of mechanical failure of brushed electric motors is the damage to the commutator and brushes but in harsh environments also mechanical damage to the bearings occurs. One of the main grounds of bearing damage is an unsuitable lubricant, various microparticles... |
Mach, P.
Electrically Conductive Adhesives in Electronics Electrically conductive adhesives are materials that are sometimes used in electronics assembly instead of lead-free solders. These are composite materials consisting of an insulating matrix and a conductive filler. The matrix is usually comprised of an epoxy resin, but it is possible t... |
Neumann, P.
Motor Control Power Transistor Authenticity Analysis he range of genuine electronic components both in active production and out of active production (obsolete) corresponds almost exactly with the range of fake components we can encounter on the market in common. Most risky deals are price “attractive” purchases via internet or from&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Electroscope
- Ročník 2020
- 8 2020