Katedra germanistiky a slavistiky / Department Germanic and Slavic studies
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Poslední příspěvky
Holubová, Markéta
Invektiven in der tschechischen und deutschen Sprache The bachelor thesis analyses the German and Czech language invectives that occur in the context of misogyny. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of misogyny and similar disciplines, the historical development of misogyny, its expressions and consequences. The ai... |
Klimentová, Šárka
Srovnání první a druhé verze povídek "Die Schiffskarte" a "Das halbe Gesicht"/ "Der Mann mit dem ganzen Gesicht" od Lenky Reinerové This bachelor thesis focuses on the comparison of the first and second versions of the short stories by Lenka Reinerová, namely Die Schiffskarte and Das halbe Gesicht/ Der Mann mit dem ganzen Gesicht. The thesis includes an analysis of the content, structure and style of&... |
Myslíková, Mariana
Soužití Němců, Židů a Čechů na střední Šumavě The bachelor thesis examines the coexistence of Germans, Jews and Czechs in the 19th and 20th centuries in the central Bohemian Forest. It focuses on the analysis of the factors that influenced their relations, including political and socio-cultural events and patterns of cooperation... |
Kasl, Jakub
Grenze geschlossen. Ein vergessener Roman Lenka Reinerovás The thesis focuses on Lenka Reinerová's early autobiographical work Grenze geschlossen, which deals with the author's escape to exile from National Socialism to Mexico and her subsequent return to the former Yugoslavia after the end of the Second World War and later to Czec... |
Kubešová, Ludmila
Syntaktische Beschreibung der deutschen Werbeslogans auf Online-Plattformen This bachelor thesis deals with the syntactic description of German advertising slogans on online platforms. The key part of the analysis is the construction of a corpus of advertising slogans based on established linguistic criteria. This is followed by a syntactic description of ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- 26 translation
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- 22 bavaria
- 22 překlad
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