Číslo 2 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Choi, Jaewon
Lee, Hong Joo
Choeh, Joon Yeon
Harnessing the predictive value of online word-of-mouth for identifying market success of new automobiles: Input versus output word-of-mouth perspectives |
Rapacz, Andrzej
Gryszel, Piotr
Walesiak, Marek
Dudek, Andrzej
Innovative activity of restaurants operating in the largest Polish cities The skills of acquiring and processing information as well as creating innovations remain the key factor responsible for the market success of enterprises, one of the most important factors in gaining a competitive advantage on the market. It is also true for the tourism marke... |
Pompurová, Kristína
Marčeková, Radka
Insights into platform tourism services: Future demand perspectives in Slovakia A model based on digital sharing has brought a new wind to the business world. Its growth was abruptly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As anti-epidemiological measures have most significantly affected the tourism sector, this paper attempts to outline the development perspective of&... |
Bartók, Otto
Matošková, Jana
Essential factors for building customer relationships on facebook: Evidence from the Czech republic E-commerce has become an integral part of the modern age. The behaviour of e-commerce customers has some specifics, which is useful for firms to understand. As customers’ trust and willingness to accept risk influence the decision to buy a product in e-commerce, it is evident&... |
Cheraghalizadeh, Romina
Dědková, Jaroslava
Do service quality and social media marketing improve customer retention in hotels? Testing the mediation effect Customer retention is a critical factor in companies’ survival, and both service quality and social media are important means of retaining customers. However, despite this importance of these antecedents, only a few studies considered the effects of these factors in the hotel industry... |
Yin, Tao
Wang, Yiming
Nonlinear analysis and prediction of Bitcoin return’s volatility This paper mainly studies the market nonlinearity and the prediction model based on the intrinsic generation mechanism (chaos) of Bitcoin’s daily return’s volatility from June 27, 2013 to November 7, 2019 with an econophysics perspective, so as to avoid the forecasting model misspecific... |
Gemra, Kamil
Kwestarz, Piotr
Rogowski, Waldemar
Lipski, Mariusz
Covid-19 and dividends: Evidence from Poland This paper aims to examine the impact of an unexpected change in the level of dividend caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on share prices on the Polish stock exchange. Our article analyses the period from 1 February 2020 to 5 June 2020, which was when comp... |
Rubio, Zamira Acosta
Acosta, Jaime Febles
Banaitis, Audrius
Ferreira, Fernando A. F.
Managing communication and participation in Canary Island firms Business organizations and management encompass a wide range of aspects requiring research and analysis. Two key issues are communications management and employee participation promotion within firms. This study focused on the variables of communication and participation in organizational structure, b... |
Anić, Ivan-Damir
Rašić, Ivana
Aralica, Zoran
What do members expect from cluster membership? The case of the croatian wood cluster The purpose of this paper is to investigate the composition of services and firms in a wood industrial cluster based on members’ interests and examine the differences among the groups. Since firms have very different interests when joining the cluster, this paper develops the ... |
Nemțeanu, Marcela-Sefora
Dinu, Vasile
Pop, Rebeka-Anna
Dabija, Dan-Cristian
Predicting job satisfaction and work engagement behavior in the covid-19 pandemic: A conservation of resources theory approach The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced organizations to impose physical distancing restrictions on employees and to practice teleworking on a large scale. Adapting to the new context has generated an increase in job insecurity, and a decrease in employee productivity ... |
Jing, Xinxin
Jiang, Ruchuan
Chen, Zhiguo
Deng, Zhi
Agricultural output effect of rural finance: An extended regression approach Agricultural output growth is an everlasting realistic problem in human society. Rural finance aims to relieve the financing constraint and pressure on the rural society with capital scarcity through credit aid and support agricultural output growth. However, credit funds cannot be adequatel... |
Mazurchenko Anastasiia
Zeleka, Martin
Maršíková, Kateřina
Demand for employees’ digital skills in the context of banking 4.0 Digitalisation and technical development in the financial service sector have aimed to secure, increase the quality, and satisfy the interests of both customers and financial institutions in the current turbulent era. Together with this situation, there is a need to develop digital empl... |
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