Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách 2020 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Berka, Jan
Frýbort, Otakar
Hlinčík, Tomáš
Vagenknechtová, Alice
Purkarová, Eliška
Energetické okruhy s oxidem uhličitým CO2 power cycles are alternative to conventional steam power cycles. The power cycles with supercritical CO2 (sCO2) can be used in nuclear and also non-nuclear power industry. The advantage of sCO2 is more compact size of power cycle components – especially turbine and higher ... |
Ertl, Jakub
Expertní tým PŘS PG – degradace teplosměnné plochy PG EDU Steam generators (SG) are one of the main components, which may represent certain limitations from the point of view of Dukovany NPP long term operation. The reason is the increasing trend of plugging of heat exchange tubes which has been observed in recent years concerned... |
Pulc, Martin
Slach, Jiří
Kostka, Pavel
Odvod vodíku ze systému kompenzace objemu In pressurized water reactors of nuclear power plants, unwanted hydrogen is generated by radiolysis of water and also by chemical processes in the primary medium. For safety reasons, this undesirable hydrogen must be removed from the primary circuit in a controlled manner. &... |
Soukup, Tomáš
Příprava, vývoj a osvojení technologie opravy nátrubku primárního potrubí Main coolant piping loop of WWER type of NPP DN 850 made of steel 10GN2MFA is manufactured with corrosion resistant cladding of internal surface. Loop has welded outlet nozzles of small sizes designed with internal inserted part made of stainless steel welded to main ... |
Žďárek, Jiří
Wandrol, Jan
Kotouč, Miroslav
Bátěk, David
Gál, Petr
Co prověřit u nových JE z hlediska zvládání těžké havárie Large number of recently developed NPP designs has implemented the In-Vessel Melt Retention (IVMR) strategy to manage hypothetical severe accidents. This strategy, more precisely denoted IVMR-ERVC (i.e. IVMR by External Reactor Vessel Cooling), is based on heat removal from the outer R... |
Cvešpr, Pavel
LTOs – mobilní podpora revizních činností pro tlaková zařízení LTOs Information System covers long term process of data collection, data processing and evaluation from diagnostic procedures, revisions and examination of power plant equipment in ČEZ a. s. The purpose of this report is to introduce new module, which covers mobile device &... |
Palán, Marek
Ducháček, Petr
Čančura, Zdeněk
Kvalifikace postupů ve vztahu k žárově stříkaným součástem pro oblast jaderné energetiky Thermal spraying is used as a technology ensuring the achievement of a local change in the properties in the area of the sprayed surface in relation to the intended purpose of using the component or sprayed surface. The paper deals with the qualification of thermal... |
Veselka, Zbyněk
Tonarová, Dana
Brabec, Petr
Hodnocení měděného nástřiku naneseného metodou cold spray na ocel pro návrh obalového souboru hlubinného úložiště The aim of the cold sprayed sample evaluation was to test material properties required for an alternative design of deep storage nuclear waste container. The characterization of the sample was focused on verification of steel substrate chemical composition, measurement of copper ... |
Pilsová, Lucie
Horváth, Jakub
Janovec, Jiří
Horváth, Ladislav
Junek, Michal
Smola, Vojtěch
Analýza aplikace sonických metalických nástřiků na bázi Ni-Cr The new sonic coating systems are being developed in cooperation with IGS Europe. The application of these coatings is meant to serve as a repair to extend the operating lifetime of the heat exchangers and boiler walls in the incineration plants and other energy-producing faci... |
Braha, David
Ochranné povlaky teplosměnných ploch v kotlů There is presented in the paper: (i) why it is necessary to apply coatings in boilers, what protect, identification of wear, (ii) influence of fuel and combustion process, (iii) types of coatings, technology of application, service life and (iv) practical experience. |
Houdková, Šárka
Česánek, Zdeněk
Šulcová, Petra
Povrchové úpravy komponent v JE a KE hermal spraying technologies make it possible to protect the surface of components against environmental influences and to renovate already worn surfaces. The potential of their use in the field of nuclear and conventional power plants was mapped within the solution of the N... |
Lazar, Jan
Polcar, Petr
Liška, Karel
Výpočet creepového poškození svorníků tělesa parní turbíny Bolts that compress together upper and lower parts of steam turbines are exposed to significant mechanical and thermal loadings. Their elongation due to creep deformation may lead to steam leakage in the turbine separating plane. In this paper, we present results of simulations... |
Holický, Milan
Stanovení únavové degradace a životnosti energetických zařízení Cyclic fatigue of materials significantly affects the degradation and service life of powerproducing equipment. The present procedures of fatigue assessment provided in new international documents ISO and CEN are based on S-N curves of material properties and the Palmgren-Miner rule for... |
Marková, Jana
Mlčoch, Jan
Prešl, Kamil
Sýkora, Miroslav
Šťastná, Klára
Metodiky pro optimalizaci diagnostiky a údržby zařízení výrobních bloků The contribution provides an overview of four methodologies that are being developed in the framework of the National Centre for Energetics. The methodologies address the urgent need for optimising diagnostics and maintenance systems to achieve the level of availability required ... |
Hodač, Jiří
Veselá, Jana
Vývoj realistických vad pro zkušební tělesa For qualification of new and current methods of non-destructive testing, it is necessary to be able to produce test specimens with realistic flaws corresponding to flaws detected in the service of power industry devices. The Řež Research Center therefore develops suitable and effi... |
Minařík, Jakub
Kec, Jan
Chuchvalec, Petr
Inovativní zařízení pro měření hloubky trhlin střídavou potenciálovou metodou The alternating current potential method (ACPD) is a suitable tool for measuring the depth of cracks in metallic materials. For its reliable use, it is necessary to design the arrangement of the measuring part well. Also the connection to the sample must be reliable.... |
Chvostová, Eva
Džugan, Ján
Konopík, Pavel
Rund, Martin
Porovnání výsledků lomové houževnatosti získaných pomocí standardních a miniaturizovaných zkušebních těles The evaluation of the actual mechanical properties of the material is important especially for the correct estimation of the residual life of the component. In many cases, however, standard samples cannot be used due to the size requirements of the available experimental mat... |
Kuboň, Zdeněk
Kander, Ladislav
Vliv heterogenity mikrostruktury na vlastnosti a creepovou odolnost tlustostěnné parovodní trubky z oceli P92 Last year, a paper was presented here, which dealt with the microstructure and properties of pipe with a wall thickness of 90 mm made of P92 steel, in which numerous dilutions were found, especially close to the inner surface of the pipe. The dilutions were pr... |
Horváth, Jakub
Horváth, Ladislav
Chvostová, Eva
Horváthová, Marie
Smola, Vojtěch
Pilsová, Lucie
Vliv degradačního stárnutí na změny modulu pružnosti a Poissonova poměru pro ocel SUPER304H Publications concerning precipitation changes and the associated changes in mechanical properties, such as impact work on refractory complex-alloyed austenitic steel SUPER 304H, are beginning to be found in the literature. This steel is used in Czech conditions on modernized thermal&... |
Sklenička, Václav
Král, Petr
Kuchařová, Květa
Kvapilová, Marie
Dvořák, Jiří
Porušení a lom při creepu povlakové slitiny Zr1%Nb pro reaktory typu VVER A sponge-based Zr1%Nb cladding alloy (modified E110 alloy) is used as a fuel cladding material in the VVER-type reactors. Despite of sufficient creep data describing deformation processes in thermal creep of the alloy available in the open literature, we are still some distance fro... |
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- Životnost komponent energetických zařízení
- 46 2020