Životnost komponent energetických zařízení 2021 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Fousek, Petr
Zvyšování a ověřování odborné způsobilosti svářečů pro svařování vybraných zařízení jaderných elektráren The paper deals with the requirement of the Normative Technical Documentation of A.S.I. Section I, concerning the welding of selected equipment at VVER type nuclear power plants. This documentation contains a requirement to verify the knowledge of the personnel performing these w... |
Krpec, Miroslav
Tonarová, Dana
Veselka, Zbyněk
Vávrovcová, Zuzana
Brabec, Petr
Laboratorní hodnocení stavu potrubí vodíkového chlazení ETE po 20 letech provozu The evaluation report summarizes the results of the non-destructive and destructive evaluation of the Temelín NPP hydrogen cooling pipeline route after 20 years of operation. Based on a previously detected leak, the undamaged part of the cut-out pipeline was delivered to ÚJV Řež, a... |
Listík, Matěj
Pištora, Vladislav
Pošta, Miroslav
Posouzení vlivu radiačního bobtnání a tečení na plášť aktivní zóny reaktoru VVER 1000 |
Schnablová, Ivana
Kopřiva, Radim
Buršík, Ondřej
Rusňáková, Kateřina
Materna, Aleš
Závěrečné výstupy projektu TH02020565 pro stanovení vhodných parametrů pro obnovu mechanických vlastností materiálů vnitřních částí reaktorů typu VVER 440 metodou regeneračního žíhání Within the current trend of industrial components life extension, in addition to innovative test methods for the mechanical properties determination, other methods are continuously developed and implemented. Their application to structural materials can have a significant benefits in the process... |
Stainer, Lukáš
Záviška, Milan
Zlepšování procesu zaslepování teplosměnných trubek parogenerátorů jaderných elektráren typu VVER 440 / VVER 1000 With years of operation of our nuclear power plants, their equipment will also age. The operation of power plants is also reflected in the steam generator and its heat exchange tubes. The heat exchanger tubes of steam generators form a physical barrier between the primar... |
Cizner, Josef
Hruška, Jan
Minařík, Jakub
Korozní odolnost vybraných nástřiků v prostředí biomasy In this paper several different nickel-based coatings were studied in laboratory conditions in model atmosphere simulating biomass flue gas containing chlorine and other elements. A few different technologies of coating preparation methods were compared with base boiler tube material ... |
Houdková, Šárka
Vostřák, Marek
Česánek, Zdeněk
Schubert, Jan
Kšiňanová, Sofia
Naďová, Jana
Potenciál aplikace technologie nástřiku elektrickým obloukem v energetickém průmyslu The Twin Wire Arc Spray (TWAS) technology allows the application of coatings with thicknesses exceeding 1 mm, from a wide range of materials, with high productivity and the possibility of application even outside specialized workplaces. However, these advantages, which, in some cases,&... |
VaV projekty CVŘ pro oblasti nedestruktivních metod a povrchových úprav v roce 2021 The article provides information on the results of R&D projects solved in the Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. research organization in 2021 within the NCK project for energy, subproject DP6 “Development of diagnostic methods for characterization of key components of energy units”, ... |
Marková, Jana
Kotassková, Klára
Mlčoch, Jan
Prešl, Kamil
Sýkora, Miroslav
Pilotní aplikace metodik pro optimalizaci diagnostiky a údržby výrobních bloků The contribution describes pilot applications of four certified methodologies developed within the National Centre for Energy in 2020. The methodologies are intended to support achieving long-term serviceability of production units. The pilot application focuses on a selected thermal power ... |
Polach, Pavel
O projektu CESEN naposled The paper presents list of the most significant results of the solution of the Competence Centre Project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic “Centre of research and ex- perimental development of reliable energy production” (CESEN acronym), examples of their curre... |
Vlasák, Jakub
Ruml, Zdeněk
Vliv erozního poškození na životnost nízkotlakých lopatek s použitím různých erozních ochran We are presently facing a change in the production of the turbine type, when in the past the products were mainly high power units 200 – 500 MW (coal) or 600 – 1200 MW (nuclear). The period of the last 5 years showed the direction of production of... |
Ganev, Nikolaj
Čapek, Jan
Trojan, Karel
Žďárek, Jiří
Kolářík, Kamil
Zbytková napjatost povrchových vrstev oceli opracované metodou Sponge-Jet The paper presents the results of X-ray diffraction research of the real structure of the sam- ples' surface processed by the Sponge-Jet method of the archive material of the nuclear reactor pressure vessel. The analyses were performed as part of a broader study con... |
Neumannová, Šárka
Vlasák, Tomáš
Čech, Jan
Šnábl, Marek
Vliv inovace výrobních technologií na vlastnosti žárupevných ocelí The influence of introducing modern vacuum technology in the production of liquid metal was verified in cooperation with SVÚM a.s. and ŽĎAS, a.s. The mechanical and especially the long-term creep properties were compared for CrMo and CrMoV steels, produced by two different t... |
Lukavský, Jiří
Tomáš, Jan
Příčiny selhání utěsnění vyhrazených tlakových zařízení |
ECOL LUBRICATION MANAGEMENT v energetice – outsourcing servisu mazání v souladu s ICML 55.1 LUBRICATION MANAGEMENT is important part of complete Asset Management in in- dustrial plant, where major part of machinery is lubricated, cooled, preserved, moved by hydraulic, etc. Nowadays we observe many efforts in Industry 4.0 and Maintenance 4.0 implementation in industrial plants.... |
Vlček, Petr
Mareš, Pavel
Využitelnost zkušebních těles typu „drátořez“ při validaci softwarů modelujících ultrazvukové zkoušení A new type of test specimens with realistic defects was produced and verified in the Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. (CVŘ) research organization. This type of test specimen is suitable for use in verifying the proposed ultrasonic testing procedure, but especially for verifying so... |
Možnosti detekce kavitace pomocí akustické emise na vodních strojích s důrazem na úsporu energií a provozní udržitelnost Advanced acoustic emission evaluation methods make it possible to successfully eliminate equipment operating noise and focus evaluation on a specific problem. In this case, it is the formation of cavitation bubbles, which cause a number of problems from abrasion of the machine... |
Strejcius, Josef
Fulín, Zdeněk
Chocholoušek, Michal
Špirit, Zbyněk
Kinetika růstů korozně-únavových trhlin v oceli COR 13/4 pro oběžná kola vodních turbín The paper is a summary of the results of measurements of the corrosion-fatigue crack propagation rate in COR 13/4 steel for the components of the flow sections of water turbines, carried out in 2019-2020 within the NCK project. The measurements were performed in wa... |
Sklenička, Václav
Kvapilová, Marie
Svobodová, Marie
Dvořák, Jiří
Král, Petr
Kuchařová, Květa
Čmakal, Josef
Aplikace empirických vztahů pro predikci creepového chování a životnosti vysokoteplotních materiálů Creep lifetime predictions of high temperature structural materials loading at high temperatures, based on the knowledge of their creep behaviour, coming out of the results of creep testing. However, creep testing is very time consuming and expensive. That is why those various met... |
Veselá, Jana
Mareš, Pavel
Špirit, Zdeněk
Detekce creepového poškození svarového spoje ultrazvukem In the development of creep as a time-dependent process, the sensitivity of the material to damage due to temperature and stress plays a major role. Welded joints and the material of steam pipelines, in the Czech Republic it is most often steel 15 128, are exp... |
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- Životnost komponent energetických zařízení
- 37 2021