Volume 16, number 2 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Padovec, Zdeněk
Vondráček, Dominik
Mareš, Tomáš
The Analytical and Numerical Stress Analysis of Various Domes for Composite Pressure Vessels The paper describes analytical and numerical solutions for five selected domes (a spherical shell, a geodesicisotensoid shell, a shell with zero transversal strain, a shell with zero transversal stress, and a shell with identical strain) for composite pressure vessels manufactured by means... |
Ouzi, Mohamed
Tamani, Mohamed
Samri, Hassan
Bahrar, Bennasser
Validation of two-fluid model for water hammer in elastic pipes In this article, the two-phase water hammer theoretical and numerical simulation are provided. A mathematical formulation is presented to describe the transient one-dimensional flow of bubbly gas-liquid mixtures without phase change in an horizontal pipe. The features of the two-fluid model ... |
Levý, Tomáš
May, Georg
Comparison of implicit time-discretization schemes for hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods The present study is focused on the application of two families of implicit time-integration schemes for general time-dependent balance laws of convection-diffusion-reaction type discretized by a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method in space, namely backward differentiation formulas (BDF) and diagonall... |
Jasra, Yogeshwar
Saxena, Ravindra K.
Fracture behavior of prestressed ductile target subjected to high velocity impact - Numerical study Impact studies are performed to evaluate the ballistic performance of material subjected to a high strain rate. At high velocities, the projectile penetrates through the material which leads to a fracture of the target body. The fracture behavior depends upon the condition of the... |
Bakri, Taoufik
Verhulst, Ferdinand
From A.Tondl’s Dutch contacts to Neimark-Sacker-bifurcation We present a description of the many contacts of A. Tondl with Dutch scientists involving nonlinear dynamics models for mechanics. One of the topics is Neimark-Sacker bifurcation that leads to the presence of families of quasi-periodic solutions that are geometrically organised and... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Applied and Computational Mechanics
- Volume 16 (2022)
- 5 2022