Jiskra, Petr
Tyrychtrová, Alice
Zpráva ze Studentské antropologické konference v Plzni (11. listopadu 2022) |
Leba, Ondřej
Paruka: Kulturní domény dragu |
Tošnerová, Monika
Podoba a úskalí terénního výzkumu v prostředí radikálních krajně pravicových uskupení |
Krajčovič, Pavol
Nemecký etnografický výskum huncokárskeho obyvateľstva: Analýza a špecifiká This study is devoted to the special features of the ethnographic research of German speaking lumberjacks – “huncokars” – which took place from the 1920s to the 1940s and was conducted by researchers working in German and Sudeten German ethnographic organizations. At that time,... |
Kovalčíková, Lujza Mária
Obraz moslimskej ženy v slovenských audiovizuálnych médiách The study presents the results of research carried out as part of my master’s thesis, which I defended in May 2021. The text is divided into three thematic areas: veiling, the position of women in marriage, and polygamy. I map the attitude of individual media towards ... |
Tlili, Václava
Konverze k islámu a formování identity českých muslimek The present study aims to bring the reader closer to the process of religious conversion to Islam, following the example of several Czech women who have decided to embrace Islam as their faith. Based on long-term field research and obtaining qualitative data... |
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