Title: Where are craft breweries located? The role of agglomeration, tourism, and know-how
Authors: Pokrivčák, Ján
Ciaian, Pavel
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Michalička, Tomáš
Plevný, Miroslav
Citation: POKRIVČÁK, J. CIAIAN, P. LANČARIČ, D. MICHALIČKA, T. PLEVNÝ, M. Where are craft breweries located? The role of agglomeration, tourism, and know-how. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 2023, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 1-20. ISSN: 1331-677X
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Document type: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85141592173
ISSN: 1331-677X
Keywords in different language: craft breweries;location choices;agglomeration effect;Slovakia
Abstract in different language: The objective of this article is to identify main drivers determining the geographical location of craft breweries in Slovakia. The main contribution of the article to the literature is to provide empirical evidence on the location determines of small firms as well as the focus on the Eastern European country both of which are less explored in the literature. The article employs a conditional logit model on a regional panel data dataset of craft breweries and location attributes covering 79 counties in Slovakia for the period 1995–2019. The estimated results suggest that agglomeration economies are key determinants of location choices. However, the agglomeration of small breweries has notably strong effect, while the agglomeration of large breweries and past brewing experience are statistically insignificant in affecting location choices. Further, important drivers of craft breweries location choices are demand factors linked to tourist sector development. Other drivers, such as urban effects, life quality and labour market conditions, seem not to play role or have rather a weaker impact.
Rights: © The Author(s)
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (KEM)

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