Číslo 3 (2023) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Niţescu, Dan Costin
Murgu, Valentin
Manolache, Simona Beatrice
Multilateral development banks – Strategic actors in the new economy? The paper addresses the role of multilateral development banks in the new economic paradigm, built in the context of multiple crises with global impact. Multilateral development banks, in their capacity as promoters of governments’ policies are “invited/expected” to play a key role ... |
Živkov, Dejan
Kuzman, Boris
Subić, Jonel
How to hedge extreme risk of natural gas in multivariate semiparametric value-at-risk portfolio? The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have caused huge price changes in the natural gas market. This paper tries to minimise the extreme risk of natural gas, making two sixasset portfolios, where gas is combined with five developed and emerging European stock indices.... |
Maráková, Vanda
Wolak-Tuzimek, Anna
Lament, Marzanna
Dzúriková, Lenka
The competitive advantage of enterprises from the customer perspective The ability to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the long term is one of the most valuable abilities of a company in the modern economy. Companies strive to achieve a competitive advantage in order to be recognised by customers, which is expected to lead... |
Todri, Ardita
Papajorgji, Petra
Discovering the mindsets of the luxury recycling phenomenon This study focuses on two main luxury items recycling issues. First, understanding customers’ attitudes toward recycling luxury items via e-business and second, discovering e-platforms configurations used. This study considers as input parameters consumers’ age and gender. Thus, an online survey ... |
El Sayed, Ranim
Özgit, Hale
Is banking and finance education producing sector-relevant personnel? Stakeholders’ psychological perceptions toward employment While many studies have examined factors affecting graduate employability, few have examined the effects of stakeholders’ psychological perceptions. Uncovering the moderating effects of employability skills and experience becomes critical. This study examines the psychological perceptions of graduate programs,&... |
Ersoy, Nazli
Applying an integrated data-driven weighting system – CoCoSo approach for financial performance evaluation of Fortune 500 companies Financial performance evaluation provides information about a firm’s liquidity position, profitability, capital structure and asset utilization. Financial performance evaluation is considered as a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem, as it is a multidimensional concept that is realized by bringin... |
Mikušová, Marie
Rydvalová, Petra
Klabusayová, Naděžda
Konečný, František
Has COVID-19 affected the organisational culture of non-governmental organisations? Organisational culture, as one of the key features of any organisation, is related to its performance. This is also true for non-governmental organisations. The purpose of this research is to identify changes in the dimensions of the organisational culture of these organisations caused&... |
Polívka, Martin
Dvořáková, Lilia
The importance of Industry 4.0 technologies when selecting an ERP system – An empirical study The paper deals with the issue of the impact of the “Industry 4.0” concept on the process of selection of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Firstly, review of the literature regarding the ERP system selection is presented, with the emphasis on the... |
Mao, Hsiao-Yen
Learning goal orientation and abusive supervision Employee learning for competence development is more salient for today’s organizations facing frequent changes from inside and outside, and accordingly, employees’ learning goal orientation (LGO) is noteworthy. This study examines how and why employees’ LGO relates to leadership effectiveness, i.e.,... |
Iuliana Claudia, Stoian (Bobalca)
Clipa, Raluca Irina
Stoian (Bobalca), Iuliana Claudia
Ifrim, Mihaela
Lungu, Anca Elena
Perception regarding European Green Deal challenges: From environment to competition and economic costs |
Mirović, Vera
Kalaš, Branimir
Milenković, Nada
Andrašić, Jelena
Different modelling approaches of tax revenue performance: The case of Baltic countries |
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- Ekonomie a management
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