Název: Gender Upbringing of Children in Traditional Kyrgyz Families (On the Example of South-West of Fergana Valley)
Autoři: Osmonova, S.
Asankanov, A.
Karabekova, E.
Omurzakova, T.
Keneshbaeva, D.
Chynykeeva, G.
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: West Bohemian Historical Review. 2024, no. 1, p. 123-144.
Datum vydání: 2024
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/55645
ISSN: 1804-5480
Klíčová slova: gender;tradice;výchova;moralita;úcta;kultura
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: gender;traditions;upbringing;morality;veneration;culture
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The study of the issues of children socialization in traditional culture is important for understanding the various mechanisms that ensure the formation of a person as a social personality and a representative of an ethnic group. Gender upbringing of children in traditional Kyrgyz families was an urgent task, to the solution of which the social, economic, and spiritual potentials of the ancestry were directed. Many institutions of the traditional culture of an ethnic group are disappearing, including the institutions of socialization, so first of all, the task of specialists is to fix them. This article is devoted to identifying and characterizing gender upbringing of children in traditional Kyrgyz families which was a reliable guarantor of the upbringing of the younger generation. The model of socialization developed by generations ensured the readiness of the individual to reproduce the economic and spiritual values of the ethnic group. Gender upbringing of children in traditional Kyrgyz families is closely connected and intertwined with culture, which is the fundamental basis for many relations of ideas and actions in society. Respectful and diligent attitude towards elders and children, the desire to morally, and materially help those in need, mercy in its most diverse manifestations, help and mutual assistance in relation to the ancestry and tribe, the concept of honour and duty, the implementation of certain duties that have been taken on, that is, the blame for this is with skill, diligence and almost everything else – all this should be considered the basis of the culture of gender upbringing of children in traditional Kyrgyz families. The scope of the study covers mainly the late XIX – early XX centuries. Based on the author’s field materials, as well as a wide range of written sources, a reconstruction of the traditional model of raising children among the Kyrgyz is given.
Práva: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Číslo 1 (2024)
Číslo 1 (2024)

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