Full metadata record
DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorHavlícek, Michal
dc.contributor.authorHaindl, Michal
dc.contributor.editorSkala, Václav
dc.identifier.citationWSCG 2024: full papers proceedings: 32. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, p. 197-206.en
dc.identifier.issn2464–4625 (online)
dc.identifier.issn2464–4617 (print)
dc.format10 s.cs
dc.publisherVáclav Skala - UNION Agencyen
dc.rights© Václav Skala - UNION Agencyen
dc.subjecttextová analýzacs
dc.subjectsyntéza texturcs
dc.subjectporovnání kvality barev texturycs
dc.subjectmodelování texturcs
dc.titleColor Quality Comparison in Spectrally (Un)Correlated Random Field Modelscs_CZ
dc.titleColor Quality Comparison in Spectrally (Un)Correlated Random Field Modelsen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedWe inspect the ability to reproduce spectral (color) composition in random field-based texture models, test when it can neglect spectral correlation, and simplify these random models without visibly depreciating their visual quality. These probabilistic models present essential two or three-dimensional factors for modeling seven-dimensional Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) - the most advanced representation currently used in real-world material visual properties modeling. They can seamlessly approximate original measured massive data and extend them to an arbitrary size or simulate unmeasured ones. Using extensive test data sets and a small set of setup control parameters, these models reach a vast compression ratio while maintaining the visual quality of measurements, and thus, they are the only viable alternative for BTF practical usage.en
dc.subject.translatedtexture analysisen
dc.subject.translatedtexture synthesisen
dc.subject.translatedTexture Color Quality Comparisonen
dc.subject.translatedtexture modelingen
dc.type.statusPeer revieweden
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