Název: | Optimizing parameters of a motion detection system by means of a genetic algorithm |
Autoři: | Bevilacqua, Alessandro |
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: | WSCG ’2003: Short papers: The 11-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2003, 3.-7, p. 25-32. |
Datum vydání: | 2003 |
Nakladatel: | UNION Agency |
Typ dokumentu: | konferenční příspěvek conferenceObject |
URI: | http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2003/Papers_2003/F61.pdf http://hdl.handle.net/11025/6160 |
ISBN: | 80-903100-1-X |
Klíčová slova: | systém detekce pohybu optimalizační parametry genetický algoritmus monitorování dopravy |
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: | motion detection system optimizing parametres genetic algorithm traffic monitoring |
Abstrakt: | Visual surveillance and monitoring have aroused interest in the computer video community for many years. The main task of these applications is to identify (and track) moving targets. The traffic monitoring application we have developed requires that a large number of parameters is tuned in order to work properly. About thirty parameters concerning the detection algorithm have been c onsidered as to be optimized. Accordingly, this paper shows how a Genetic Algorithm (GA) represents a powerful task in order to automatically compute sub-optimal parameter settings in a motion detection system. Besides, to our knowledge this work is the first attempt of using GAs to such a problem. Accurate experiments accomplis hed on a challenging test se quence show the relevant results attained in terms of qualitative performance. |
Práva: | © UNION Agency |
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích: | WSCG '2003: Short papers |
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F61.pdf | Plný text | 378,04 kB | Adobe PDF | Zobrazit/otevřít |
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