Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KDE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Cibulka, Tomáš
Sdílená městská mobilita (exteriér s přesahem do interiéru) The goal of my work was to create a vision of a mobility concept that will outline the possibilities of a shared transport and its positive principles for the future. At the beginning of the work, I presented the issue concerning a large number of cars and ... |
Kudrna, Jan
Vývoj ortézy This graduation work is focused on the problems of carpal tunnel syndrome. It includes a theoretical introduction that includes anatomical options, the possibility of the onset and symptoms of the disease, and the treatment of the syndrome. The main objective of this work is&... |
Jarošová, Eliška
Menstruační pomůcka pro ženy This bachelor thesis deals with the menstrual cup, which is described in detail from the perspectives of history, healthcare, and functionality. In addition to analyzing this topic, the production process, specifically injection molding machines, was also taken into consideration. Ho... |
Tran, Quoc Bao
Koncept malého užitkového vozidla The result of this bachelor thesis is a design study of an urban utility concept vehicle. The main idea was to create a new vehicle that would help meet the needs of workers in the delivery industry, with the deeper intention of improving the lives of this new... |
Hanzelka, Martin
Stolování v přírodě The aim of this work was to create an outdoor portable cooker based on my pre-melting skills using the knowledge I have gained throughout the work. The Bachelor thesis entitled Dining in Nature contains a complete history of dining in outdoor spaces, solving the development... |
Adamec, Ondrej
Koncept dvoudveřového kupé vozidla nesoucí značku Škoda auto In my bachelor thesis I´ve designed a concept of new sport model for Skoda brand portfolio. It´s a model they currently don´t have, even when sport models are so connected to the brand. My design is inspired by previous generations and I tried to use ico... |
Ondráš, Jan
Návrh závodního monopostu vhodného pro různé traťové povrchy a podmínky. This bachelor´s thesis theme is aiming at designing of a conceptual single-seater capable of operating within two different track surfaces. This thesis in the theoretical part outlined the history of motorsport and motorsport series, which are connected with the thesis topic.... |
Vejmělková, Veronika
UDRŽITELNÝ DESIGN On the topic of sustainable design, I chose the subtopic of beekeeping. I created a mobile apiary that can be attached to a car. The apiary consists of two parts from the living room for the beekeeper, where he has the opportunity to get honey and thus ensure... |
Průša, Jonatan
Herní předmět pro předškolní věk The Object of my bachelor's work was to create an object for play, which would suit children of preschool age. I've enriched this objective by other three principles, in which I stated that I want to create a building kit with character, that can be produced ... |
Obořil, Leo
LÉTO A bait boat for fishing is a fishing accessory that can be used to bait feed into inaccessible places. In my work, I dealt with the design of the entire boat and the controller. |
Kalašová, Kamila
Zahradní technika pro ulehčení práce The goal of the bachelor thesis was to create a design of a garden trolley, intended mainly for transporting pots and containers. I based my design on the dimensions of the Euro crates to make them compatible with the trolley. At the same time, I tried to keep... |
Bužga, Oldřich
INTERIÉR (obecně) JAKO HRA The theme of my bachelor's thesis was Interior (in general) as a game. I decided to create variable furniture with a focus on students and young people. It is a simple construction made of 7 beech plywood boards. Four plates form the basic framework and the fifth... |
Csabová, Martina
EXTERIÉR TRAKTORU My bachelor's thesis focuses on the issue of local cultivation. With the design of a multifunctional small tractor with a simple shape and practical details, I try to facilitate and speed up planting, weeding and harvesting. My main goal was to create a strong working ... |
Mikešová, Alena
ZIMA The goal of my work was to solve the issue of saving energy costs, in particular heating costs, in a home by using a timeless and avilable in terms of resources product. From the beginning, I mainly focused on the heating system of a home. I've focused on... |
Smirnov, Anton
Design Roveru The aim of my work was to create a vehicle that is suitable for long missions, transporting goods and research and is able to provide for the crew everything necessary for life and work. It also has two additional functions, this is the convoy mode -... |
Prchalová, Veronika
PRAKTICKÝ DEKOR My bachelor thesis was created on the topic Practical Decor. My main goal was to find a problem that needs a suitable solution and with the help of applied decor, achieve a practical product. The final work became a decoration in the form of a painting with the&... |
Toupalová, Blanka
VARIABILITA This bachelor thesis deals with the creation of a specific design and the actual implementation of a variable seating furniture called LAGES. The design and production of the modular seating furniture set was the main objective of this bachelor thesis. A sub-objective was to c... |
Šťastná, Veronika
LIDOVÁ SLOVESNOST V DESIGNU PRODUKTU The collection "Jarmila" refers to oral tradition - crafts, traditions, proverbs. The products respond to intergenerational differences in the household and are based on the motifs of tablecloths and embroidered blankets. The appearance of the unusual design of the elements underlines... |
Halamová, Julie
UMĚNÍ V DESIGNU The main aim of my bachelor's thesis is to focus on a piece of furniture or other interior element that is inspired by a selected artistic movement or artist from the 20th century. I have focused specifically on organic architecture. Through my work, I would like ... |
Naarová, Emma
PRAKTICKÝ DEKOR Cihloviště are insect houses placed in the shape of facing bricks, which are commonly used to build walls and fences. The bricks are made up of multiple parts that stack on top of each other to form tiny holes for insects to nest in. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara / Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art
- Katedra designu / Department of Design
- 82 design
- 19 collection
- 18 nábytek
- 17 furniture
- další >
- 268 bakalářská práce