Katedra slovanských jazyků / Department of Slavonic Language
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Poslední příspěvky
Babková, Eva
Rusko jako ekonomický a obchodní partner EU (studie s překladovým slovníkem) The point of bachelor thesis is to define possible future development of bussines and economic relations between Russia nad European Union, on the basis of historical facts and events define 'brakes' which are obstructing development of these relations and specify reasons of the... |
Gschwengová, Alexandra
Hotel Gondola Plzeň. Překlad webových stránek z češtiny do ruštiny. This bachelor's thesis is focused on the translation of selected parts of the websites of Hotel Gondola from the Czech to the Russian language. Except for the basic practical part of translation, the thesis contains also an analysis of the original text, a theoretical part... |
Zeykan, Valeriya
Porovnání mentality Čechů a Rusů The bachelor thesis contains a description and comparison the mentality of Russians and Czechs. It focuses on the cultural and historical developments that may have an influence on the formation of specific attitudes. Thesis also contains statistical data that help to create an ove... |
Oplová, Veronika
Plzeň-jih Turistický průvodce v ruštině Within the bachelor thesis ?Pilsen-South District ? Traveller?s guide in Russian? a translation from Czech into Russian was created. The source text was also created by the author of the bachelor thesis. The touristic materials about Pilsen-South District are described in the first ... |
Petridesová, Ria
Překlad webových stránek Věznice Horní Slavkov z češtiny do ruštiny s podrobným komentářem a překladovým slovníkem. The aim of the bachelor thesis is a translation of Horní Slavkov Prison websites from Czech to Russian. The source text provides presentation of prison. After the preamble the analysis of source text, which contains a general characterization of the text and analysis on lexica... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art