Diplomové práce / Theses (KFY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 35 z 35
Kotrlová, Michaela , Zeman Petr, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Magnetronově naprašovaná tenkovrstvá kovová skla a jejich charakterizace

This thesis focuses on the preparation of Zr-Cu thin film metallic glasses deposited by HiPIMS and DC magnetron sputtering in pure argon. The influence of the coposition of the Zr-Cu thin films (0-100 at. % Cu), the value of substrate bias (Us=Ufl, -30 V, -50 V, -70&...

Čiperová, Zuzana , Musil Jindřich, Prof. Ing. DrSc.
Reaktivní magnetronové naprašování Zn-Sn-O vrstev a charakterizace jejich vlastností

Subject of the thesis was pulse reactive magnetron sputtering of Zn-Sn-O thin films. Three series were prepared. The common parameters of deposition were: distance between targets and substrates dT-S = 60 mm, pulse repetition frequency fr = 20 kHz, discharge current ID = 1,2 A...

Batková, Šárka , Čapek Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.
Kombinovaná depozice vrstev Ta-O-N a kovových klastrů Cu

This thesis deals with combined deposition of Ta-O-N coatings and nanoclusters of copper. The coatings were deposited using reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering at an average target power density in a pulse of 1000 W/cm2. A ceramic tube placed 7 mm from the ta...

Vytisk, Tomáš
Reaktivní vysokovýkonová pulzní magnetronová depozice vrstev oxidů vanadu

The aim of this thesis is to fabricate thermochromic thin film of vanadium oxide. High power impulse magnetron sputtering is used to prepare a thermochromic film with structure changes below transition temperature Tc = 68 °C providing variable transmittance in infrared spectrum. The...

Procházka, Michal
Multikomponentní povlaky připravené pulzním reaktivním mangetronovým naprašováním

HfB2-based thin layers are well known for its high hardness, low electrical resistivity and oxidation resistance. Due to these properties the films are useful in many industrial applications. This study is focused on oxidation resistance of Hf-Si-B-C-N thin films and its change caused&#...

Javdošňák, Daniel
Reaktivní magnetronová depozice Al-Si-N a charakterizace jejich vlastností

This diploma thesis deals with the mechanical properties of nanocomposite thin films Al-Si-N (Al:Si = 90:10 hm. %) deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering, their resistance to cracking in bending test and indentation test with high load until 1 N. This work is mainly focused&#...

Krejčová, Milada
Počítačové modelování napouštění reaktivního plynu pro vysokovýkonové pulzní magnetronové naprašování oxidů kovů

The presented diploma thesis is at the beginning focused on application of plasma technologies. Next, it explains basics of the pressure measurement and the magnetron sputtering, including the reactive deposition and its application. In the Methodology chapter development of the test task&#x...

Zítek, Michal
Vliv přidání Cu na mechanické a antibakteriální vlastnosti naprašovaných vrstev

The subject of this diploma thesis is the deposition of ZrCuN thin films, which were reactively sputtered in Ar + N2 mixture using unbalanced dual magnetron equipped with stacked targets composed of Zr disc attached by Cu ring with an inner diameter of in = 34 mm.&#x...

Jaroš, Martin
Reaktivní magnetronová depozice vrstev Ti-Ni-N a vyšetření jejich vlastností

The subject of this paper was deposition thin Ti-Ni-N films, which were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering with dual magnetron system. The influence of repetition frequency on the properties of deposited Ti-Ni-N films was investigated in series 1. The influence of substrate bias&...

Šímová, Veronika
Vliv energie částic na vlastnosti vrstev Me-B-C-(N) připravených reaktivní magnetronovou depozicí

This diploma thesis deals with thin films based on nitrides and borides of transition metals. The main attention was devoted to find the reason of high compressive stress in Hf-B-C-(N) materials compared to materials based on Zr and Ti prepared under the same discharge conditi...

Vonásek, Martin
Reaktivní naprašování vrstev s nízkým Youngovým modulem a charakterizace jejich vlastností

This thesis is dedicated to the reactive magnetron sputtering Zr-Si-O coatings using ac pulse dual magnetron. Zr-Si-O coatings with various elemental composition ratios were deposited on silicon, glass and molybdenum substrates. The partial pressure of reactive gas oxygen pO2 on deposition&...

Kolenatý, David
Reaktivní vysokovýkonová pulzní magnetronová depozice vrstev HfO2

This thesis is aimed at reactive high-power impulsed magnetron deposition of densified stoichiometric HfO2 thin films with pulse control of reactive gas flow. Thin films were prepared in oxygen and argon atmosphere, at pressure of working gas 2 Pa. A hafnium target of 100 mm&#...

Jandová, Jitka
Pulzní magnetronová depozice vrstev Hf-Si-B-C-N

This thesis is focused on multicomponent Hf-Si-B-C and Hf-Si-B-C-N thin films preparation by pulsed magnetron sputtering. The elemental composition, structure, mechanical, electrical properties and oxidation resistance of deposited films were subsequently evaluated. The main aim was to find the correl...

Petrman, Vít
Vlastnosti a elektronová struktura nitridů přechodových kovů

This thesis is focused on ab-initio simulations of binary, ternary and selected quaternary transition metal nitrides of IV B a V B groups (Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta). In particular, formation energies, electronic structures and elastic properties were calculated. Results obtained for b...

Procházka, Jan
Vlastnosti vrstev CNx připravených magnetronovým naprašováním

This paper reports on carbon coatings and carbon-nitride (CNx) coatings deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering in argon-nitrogen atmosphere onto Si(100) substrates. The effect of subtrate temperature Ts and gas composition on structural, mechanical and tribological properties of sputtered coatings ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 35 z 35