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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 603
Fafek, Jakub
Klasifikace skenovaných dokumentů

This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of classification of scanned documents. The aim of this thesis is to develop a~classifier that will be able to distinguish scanned documents into a~total of ten classes. Text will be used as a~feature which is recognized using op...

Burian, Jakub
Decentralizovaná směnárna v Solidity

The first part of this thesis introduces the reader to the principles of the blockchain, the Ethereum network, and exchanges. The reader will acquire basic knowledge about the functioning of the two most widely used decentralized exchanges. On the basis of these information, ...

Sochorec, Matěj
Aplikace pro podporu zjišťování počtu osob na fotografii

The goal of this bachelor's is to design and implement support aplication for counting crowds of people in photos. The recognition method for counting people can be fully automatic or just supportive. Firstly selection of different aplications that count people in photos found ...

Kadlec, Jan
Výukový kurz pro vývoj databázově orientovaných low-code aplikací

While there are materials for the HCL Domino Leap platform such as documentation or wiki. However, none of them present a method suitable for a user who does not have experience with the platform. Therefore, the aim of this work was to create a tutorial ...

Homolka, Jakub
Přehled GUI systémů pro tvorbu aplikací s minimální potřebou psaní programového textu

This bachelor's thesis explores no-code and low-code platforms that enable automated application creation with a minimum need for programming text writing. The work focuses on how these platforms accelerate software development and make application creation available to non-developers. In the ...

Soukup, Martin
Experimentální server na podporu výzkumu v oblasti EOBI dat

The main goal of this bachelor's thesis is to design and implement a system for processing stock market data. The thesis will first examine in detail the functionalities of the electronic order book system of the German multinational company Deutsche Börse Group, and also...

Vandlíček, Jan
Analýza profilu tvůrčí činnosti FAV v období 2018-2023

This bachelor's thesis examines the evaluation of creative activity at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2018-2023. It focuses on identifying available data sources for the evaluation of creative activity at different levels and...

Will pires dos santos quaresma, Marluce
Porozumění vizuálním dokumentům

1. Get acquainted with the task of Visual Document Understanding (VDU). 2. Study available methods and libraries that implement these methods. 3. Familiarize with available datasets for the VDU task. 4. Based on the conducted research, choose at least two methods and t...

Purkart, Jan
Editor záznamů pro výuku ve virtuální realitě

This bachelors thesis focuses on capturing, editing and finally playing the 3D recording of teaching in virtual classroom. Today, universities are already leveraging virtual reality technologies for education. This thesis aims to enhance the learning environment within virtual reality, rev...

Vladař, Dominik
Automatizované získávání dat z elektronických loterií

This thesis focuses on automatic data retrieval from electronic lotteries. The goal is to create a program that, based on the configuration, will perform the so-called web scraping, i.e. automated data acquisition for individual lotteries. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the ...

Tran, Václav
Automatické vytváření souhrnů historických dokumentů

In the domain of automatic text summarization, neural networks show promising performances. This thesis probes into the task of automatic summarization of Czech historical documents, a largely unexplored niche area with a scant amount of datasets available. To evaluate and improve the p...

Poláček, Pavel
Systém rozhraní mozek-počítač pro terapeutického robota

The aim of this thesis is to design a brain-computer interface system for a therapeutic robot, implement selected parts of it and test the solution in a real application. First, the basic principles in the field of brain computer interface and its application in neurorehabilit...

Akhramchuk, Andrei
Umělá inteligence pro usnadnění softwarového vývoje

This bachelor thesis examines the technologies and programming languages used by Eurosoftware. It provides a comprehensive analysis and practical evaluation of publicly available Artificial Intelligence tools that can facilitate software development processes, focusing on those that offer potential benefit...

Jelínek, Vojtěch
Rozšíření možností Czech Salivary Gland Database pro klinickou praxi a pro analýzu dat

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to extend the possibilities of using the Czech Salivary Gland Database in clinical practice and for patient data analysis. The thesis focuses on the identification of the current shortcomings of the application and proposes measures to address...

Runt, Lukáš
Systém pro hierarchickou evidenci poznámek pro Android

This bachelor thesis aims to design and implement a mobile application for creating and editing hierarchically structured notes. The paper reviews selected existing applications and explores technologies used in mobile application development as well as data-storing technologies. The practical section...

Pavlíček, Jakub
DMS pro evidenci dokumentace k SW

This bachelor thesis deals with the design and implementation of a Document Management System that enables efficient documentation management. REST API is used for communication with this system. The thesis extensively examines various aspects of data storage and versioning and explores opti...

Janoch, Milan
Vývoj JavaScript knihovny pro embedování vizualizací skrze Emplifi Public API

This bachelor thesis focuses on the development of a specialized JavaScript library to enable easy integration of visualizations into third-party applications. The main goals of the thesis are to design and implement the library, design an interface to communicate efficiently with Emplifi...

Pernička, Petr
Porovnání paralelní implementace B algoritmu v Javě a C/C++

One of the techniques used for traffic forecasting is the four-step model, part of which is traffic assignment. Traffic assignment comes after determining the traffic flow from each origin to each destination in the traffic network taking the form of OD matrix and it entails&#...

Křižanovský, Jakub
Systém pro vytváření digitálních dvojčat skladů ve frameworku NVIDIA Omniverse

This thesis, titled System for warehouse digital twin creation in the NVIDIA Omniverse framework, focuses on creating a system for creating and viewing digital twins of warehouses using the NVIDIA Omniverse framework. The main goal of the thesis is to verify the suitability of ...

Urban, František
Webové rozhraní pro překladač jazyka Blason

Heraldry makes it possible to describe armorial bearings in the formal language of blazon. This bachelor thesis deals with the creation of a user-friendly web application for generating a visualization of armorial signs based on the input blazon text. The application uses an existi...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 603