Katedra obchodního práva / Department of Commercial Law
Recent Submissions
Prajzlerová, Alexandra
Právní aspekty elektronického obchodování This thesis is focuses on the legal aspects of e-commerce with an emphasis on the Czech Republic, which is currently one of the leading countries in the number of e-shops per capita. The aim of the thesis is to analyse and explain the key legal issues related to... |
Sorokáčová, Zuzana
Střet zájmů člena voleného orgánu obchodní korporace The subject of the thesis on "Conflict of Interest of a Member of an Elected Body of a Commercial Corporation" is a summary of the legal complex of conflict of interest and the principles of soft law in the form of the Corporate Governance Code in the ... |
Plucar, Václav
Claimy dle smluvních podmínek FIDIC The submitted thesis Claims under the FIDIC Conditions of Contract dealt mainly with the contractor's claims exclusively under the Red Book. Firstly, the concept and purpose of a claim as a contractual compensation claim, subdivision, description of claim events listed in the Red... |
Randlová, Tereza
Klamavá reklama This thesis deals with the issue of misleading advertising. In its introduction, the thesis introduction the reader with economic competition and unfair competition as a whole, and with basic concepts such as competitor and consumer. The reader is then introduced to several cases f... |
Zeman, Adam
Zneužití dominantního postavení v hospodářské soutěži digitálními technologickými společnostmi This thesis deals with a detailed analysis of the concept of competition, with emphasis on the legal aspect of the concept. The text focuses on the interpretation of the concept of dominance and its possible abuse in the context of competition. It also examines the specif... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law