Diplomové práce / Theses (KME) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 218
Steinbach, Václav
Periodická řešení mechanických soustav s nelinearitami

With each new day our sun rises and sets. This event has definitely happened today and hopefully will happen tomorrow. The regularity of this event makes it predictable and reliable. This regularity is called periodicity, and the period of time over which the repetition of...

Kortišová, Tereza
Reakce moderní výstavby na současnou energetickou situaci

The introductory part of the master's thesis deals with the evaluation of key factors that have influenced the current energy situation. Within this analysis, it examines how people respond to the energy crisis and what their most common steps are in relation ...

Macánová, Jana
Dřevěný kontejner pro modulární výstavbu

The subject of this Diploma thesis is about a wooden container designed its optimization for modular construction. The thesis also includes the thermal assessment of the compositions and the static assessment of the supporting elements. Each part of this diploma's thesis was p...

Zelenka, Petr
Stavební a finanční analýza konstrukčních systémů obytných budov

The thesis focuses on the study of structural systems in residential buildings. The theoretical part, various structural systems are analyzed, including their advantages and limitations. The practical part of the thesis involves conducting calculations for selected structural systems in order to&...

Majerník, Štěpán
Variantní studie odkanalizování obce do 250 ekvivalentních \\ obyvatel, analýza válcové nádrže

The topic of this diploma thesis was the processing of a variant study of the sewerage of the municipality. As part of the study, which includes the current and proposed state, the project documentation of the technical background for the central sewage treatment plant, which&...

Pelcová, Tereza
Analýza mechanických vlastností hydroizolačních folií

This diploma thesis deals with the verification of the properties of waterproofing foils. The experiment is based on a tensile test and the effect of temperature and cracks on the material was assessed, and the anisotropy of the material and the strength of the joints wer...

Záhrubská, Karolína
Analýza použití kompozitních materiálů jako náhrada oceli \\ v konstrukcích používaných v pozemním stavitelství

The diploma thesis focuses on steel and composite materials used as structural elements in building construction. The theoretical part of the work deals with the general description of both materials, their history, structure, production, and connections. The practical p...

Šroubek, Jakub
Simulace a měření účinků náhodného buzení na komponenty \\ v dopravních prostředcích

This thesis deals with the issues of simulations and measurements of the response to random excitation in vehicles and their components, the basic approach to modelling the road profile, computational models of excitation, design and production of a test specimen for vibration testing.&...

Němeček, Jiří
Reziduální materiálové charakteristiky degradovaného dřeva

This master's thesis examines the properties of wood, biological degradation, protection, and repairs of wooden structures. The first part of the thesis focuses on a literature review that analyzes the characteristics of wood, including its mechanical and physical properties, as well as&...

Štěrbová, Sabina
Možnosti protikorozní ochrany při sanaci ocelových konstrukcí

This master's thesis addresses the topic of anticorrosive protection of steel structures in the field of construction. Its objective is to study the corrosion of steel structures, surface preparation, and methods of anticorrosive protection. The theoretical part describes corrosion, factors i...

Nová, Kateřina
Keramické obkladové prvky a hodnocení jejich vybraných vlastností

This thesis deals with ceramic cladding elements and their properties. The theoretical part deals with individual types of cladding elements and the raw materials needed for production. The historical development of technological procedures in the production of ceramic tiles from the end...

Šimůnek, Eduard
Ověření a porovnání metodik modelování 3D tkaných \\ kompozitních materiálů.

This master's thesis is focused on different ways of modeling 3D woven composite materials using the finite element method in VPS software. The aim of the work was to analyze the results of models of standardized tensile, compressive and shear tests and compare them with&#...

Kupková, Marie
Zděné konstrukce historické a novodobé, analýza vzorků pevnosti jednotlivých bloků, segmentů se simulací drážky a jejich \\ vyhodnocení

The diploma thesis deals with historical and modern masonry constructions. The theoretical part deals with masonry technology in the past and today, the gradual development of materials and describes the development of masonry design principles. It analyzes the characteristics of modern cons...

Marešová, Michaela
Výpočtové modelování miniinvazivních fixací zadního segmentu lidské pánve

This diploma thesis focuses on computational modeling of sacrum fractures and their fixation. This is a~continuation of the previously developed bachelor thesis. The current computational model consists of the pelvis, the fourth lumbar vertebra (L4), the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5) and two&#x...

Hrabačka, Martin
Návrh a dynamická analýza aktivních tensegritických struktur

This diploma thesis first deals with the design of a general tensegrity structure using form-finding methods. Within path-planning, a specific actuation in form of adjustments of cables' rest lengths is assigned to the resulting structure so that it follows a prescribed complex traj...

Horák, Lukáš
Statická pevnost lopatky osového ventilátoru pro ztížené provozní podmínky

This diploma thesis deals with examination of the static strength of the composite blade of an axial fan under difficult operating conditions. The first numerical simulations were tuned on the blade root model and then on the blade itself, both models were described&#x...

Šulda, Jakub
Řešení odezvy tenkých viskoelastických heterogenních tyčí \\ s proměnným průřezem na rázové zatížení

This diploma thesis is focused on solving problems of stationary and non-stationary wave propagation in thin viscoelastic rods. In this work, relations are derived for the calculation of the response of homogeneous prismatic rods in the frequency domain, whose material properties are de...

Hron, David
Využití lattice Boltzmannovy metody pro numerické řešení proudění krve ve vybraných problémech kardiovaskulární biomechaniky

This diploma thesis deals with the implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method for the numerical solution of selected problems of cardiovascular biomechanics. A literature search is performed, which focuses on the use of the lattice Boltzmann method in the fi eld of cardiovascular&#x...

Morávek, Tomáš
Porovnávací analýza vybraných objektů se závěrečným posouzením vhodnosti použitých metod a výsledků

This thesis analyses three selected buildings owned by the Pilsen region. All of the selected buildings will be reconstructed or there will be built a new building of the same character and purpose of use. This work aims to examine the suitability of construction of a...

Deiko, Darya
Karbonatace betonu a její vliv na nosnou konstrukci staveb

The diploma thesis describes the issue of carbonation of concrete, the impact of this phenomenon on buildings and their life, evaluation of the effects on load-bearing reinforced concrete structures. Methods and calculations of concrete carbonation depth described according to valid s...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 218