Diplomové práce / Theses (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Duda, Patrik
Návrh na renovaci osvětlení rodinného domu The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate the current state of family house lighting and then to create a completely new proposal for the renovation of family house artificial lighting with regard to new knowledge about the biological effects of light on humans. ... |
Šnejdar, Miloslav
Hybridní koncepce tepelných čerpadel pro rodinné domy This master thesis deals the solution of the hybrid concept of heat pumps. First chapter of the thesis is made by a theoretical description of the heat pump operation, its physical principle, basic components and system solutions. Content of the second chapter of thesis is... |
Přigrodský, Aleš
Optimalizace návrhu staršího asynchronního motoru The first part of this master's thesis deals with measurement and calculation of results of older induction motor. This induction motor was subjected to electrical measurements in order to gain basic parameters, which are necessary for following calculations. Next part relates to th... |
Novák, Václav
Zemní spojení v sítích vn - detekce a způsoby chránění těchto sítí The master thesis is divided into six chapters. The first three are theoretical, where are described the distribution system of the Czech Republic, types of the earth faults, different neutralearthing arrangement and the Fortescue method. In the next chapter, the specified network isdef... |
Scholz, Vojtěch
Vyhodnocení provozu fotovoltaické elektrárny s akumulačním zařízením The diploma thesis deals with the topic of low-power photovoltaic power plants with storage equipment, which are connected to low-voltage distribution networks. The first part of the work is focused on legislation and technical requirements for connectivity of generating plants. The main... |
Sihlovec, Jiří
Využití nízkopotenciální energie vody používané pro chlazení kondenzátoru First part of diploma thesis is dedicated to theoretical description of technologies and parameters of power plant Tušimice II. Next, the principle of power plant, possibilities of condenser cooling and description of heat pump is also described. Second part of diploma thesis deals ... |
Úlovec, Karel
Regulace kvality dodávek elektrické energie The submitted master´s thesis is focused on the current state of regulation of the quality of electricity supply in the Czech Republic. Master´s thesis describes the currently used continuity indicators and compares them between individual distribution companies. It also compares the achieve... |
Petýrek, Lukáš
Zaústění nové transformační stanice 110/22 kV Střed v Českých Budějovicích The thesis deals with the design of a new 110/22 kV transformer station in České Budějovice (Střed). The current state of the Mladé transformer station, feeding the switching station Střed, is also described. The reconstruction of the 22 kV Střed station will result in fe... |
Nocar, Václav
Využití akumulace elektrické energie a její vliv na trh s elektřinou The presented diploma thesis deals with the accumulation of electrical energy with a focus on battery storage systems. The work is divided into five main parts. The first part contains basic important information regarding the accumulation of electricity using the most commonly used... |
Šanda, Filip
Pokročilá diagnostika a monitoring v elektroenergetice The main objective of this thesis is to develope a system for monitoring an electrostatic separator using the LabVIEW environment. The introductory part introduces the reader to the LabVIEW environment and the areas in the power electronic engineering where it is used. The electros... |
Hlubuček, Josef
Nová transformovna 400 / 110 kV Rohatec This diploma thesis is focused on design of a new 400/110 kV power station for a specific location, in the village Ratíškovice, which is located in the South Moravian Region. This thesis deals with the choice of a suitable placement of the power station, which is,... |
Kubín, Vít
Numerická analýza chlazení elektrického zařízení The master theses describe the issue of heating of current path with focus onto numerical analysis of natural convection around the disconnector. Program used to simulate the convection is Ansys Fluent. The established model respects natural heat loses of disconnector and theirs transfe... |
Nešpor, Jan
Ochrana venkovních vedení zemnícím lanem The master theses deals with the ability of grounding wires to protect phase conductors from direct lightning strike. The different geometric arrangement of the pylons used in HV levels causes differences in this protection capability. The thesis contains a theoretical analysiss of the&... |
Čurda, Petr
Návrh sítě NN splňující budoucí potřeby distribuce The diploma thesis deals with design of low voltage network meeting future distribution needs. These networks are going to become an integral part of our electric power system in the future. The thesis mentions the main conceptual documents relating to the development of energetics... |
Lávička, Antonín
Návrh vlastní spotřeby páry pro zařízení DENOx v lokalitě TETR This diploma thesis is focused on the solution of removal of nitrogen oxides from flue gases of the heating plant Trmice. The solution is mainly focused on selective catalytic reduction in the tail-end version and the design of reheating of flue gas for this technology. P... |
Havlík, Martin
Návrh systému elektrických ochran a buzení malého synchronního generátoru This diploma thesis is focused on problems in the area of excitation and protection for synchronous generators. The principles of excitation and protection for safe operation of synchronous generator are stated in practical part. This thesis is also focused on diagram of excitation ... |
Kubeš, Josef
Návrh studeného kelímku pro tavení TiAl The diploma thesis is dealing with the principle and the procedure of the cold crucible induction melting technology. The paper is focused mainly on melting of the electrically conductive, marginally also non-conductive, materials. The first part presents common basic information about the... |
Randa, Stanislav
Kontrolní měření malé fotovoltaické elektrárny The diploma thesis is focused on control measurement of small photovoltaic power plant, specifically power plant with 20 kWp. In the thesis are described the parameters of the power plant, then the software simulation and comparing the results of the simulation with real values.... |
Dobšíček, Jan
Návrh malé plynové kotelny pro krytí tepelné spotřeby činžovního domu The content of this master's thesis is the design of a gas boiler room for building in Horní Bříza. This building is designed as a one-floor multi-purpose building without thermal insulation before reconstruction. The work deals with the calculation of heat losses for which... |
Kopecký, Jakub
Aplikace numerických metod při návrhu a analýze elektrického odpojovače The diploma thesis is focused on the application of numerical methods in design and analysis of electrical disconnector. In the first part the thesis deals with the theoretical analysis of disconnectors, explanation of their function and inform with the normative requirements for discon... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologie / Department of Electric Power Engineering and Ecology
- 631 diplomová práce