Diplomové práce / Theses (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 631
Mayer, Václav
Klasifikace částečných výbojů

The master thesis focuses on application of new classification methods in the field of computer processing of data from partial discharge measurement. The first task of this thesis is to describe feature extracting and classification methods which can be used for the evaluation of&...

Řezáček, Jan
Návrh izolačních konstrukčních prvků

The aim of this master's thesis is to design composite insulated cross-arms that can withstand electrical and mechanical stress. These designs are depicted by 2D and 3D computer models which are subjected to electrical stress simulations in a steady electrostatic and harmonic magnet...

Knedlík, Michal
Manipulátor pro indukční ohřevy

This diploma thesis is focused on creating a manipulator which is used to insert equipment or measuring systems into the chamber of a cold crucible. The positioning system consists of a supporting frame, a control panel and the main switchboard. Precise base positioning and sy...

Balabán, Jan
Textilní senzor pro měření hydratace pokožky

This diploma thesis addresses measurement of skin hydration. The work contains a brief overview of commercially available systems for determining skin hydration, including their measurement principles and limitations. It also describes the design and implementation of textile sensors, design and ...

Liška, Michal
Využití odpadního tepla chladicích zařízení u chladicích boxů

Scope of my diploma thesis I focused on waste heat using from refrigeration systems. Main parts are concerned with history and cooling principles, various refrigeration types and their usage in cooler boxes. Final part of my thesis is design of a walk-in cooler for restaurant&...

Lihunová, Natálie
Analýza venkovního osvětlení v Plzni

This master thesis presents street lighting. In the master thesis are firstly briefly described individual luminous technical quantities, secondly it divide outdoor places for separated subgroups. It follows by description of light pollution, street lighting and brief summary of legislation. In&#...

Eštok, Petr
Simulační model elektrického vozidla

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation and processing of data from the tachograph obtained during the ride of the partial trolleybus Škoda 26Tr and the analysis of the track which the trolleybus passed during the ride. In the first part, the basic param...

Březina, Patrik
Analýza provozu velké fotovoltaické elektrárny s větším výkonem

The master theses presents the analysis of the photovoltaic power plant with high power ratio. The theoretical part describes the environment of a power grid and a principle of operation of photovoltaic power plants. In the practical part, there is an analysis of the&#x...

Kolář, Luděk
Spalovny komunálního odpadu jako zdroj kombinované výroby energie

The presented master thesis deals with the issue of using municipal waste as a fuel for combined heat and power generation. It summarizes the properties of municipal waste and the method of disposal of harmful substances that are the product of its incineration. It also d...

Koželuh, Tomáš
Návrh aktivního magnetického ložiska

The presented diploma thesis deals with the design of two magnetic bearings 8-pole and 12-pole and a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages for modern machines, in which we try to reduce losses and thus increase efficiency. The text is divided into three ...

Eisenhammer, Martin
Návrh energeticky soběstačného pasivního rodinného domu z hlediska zdroje tepla, elektrické energie a větrání

The master thesis is focused on the design of a passive family house corresponding to the standards for the design of buildings in the Czech Republic, the design of the selected heat source and the source of electrical energy and the comparison with other available resour...

Valenta, Vojtěch
Krytí energetických potřeb malého obytného automobilu pomocí OZE

This diploma thesis deals with the design of an island system to cover the energy needs of a small motor home. In the introductory part I describe the possibilities of using individual renewable sources as mobile energy sources. In the next part I analyze the energy ...

Hvězda, Milan
Modely stárnutí elektroizolačních systémů

The diploma thesis is focused on the description and distribution classicitaion of electrical insulating materials which are used in electrical machines and systems. The first part of the thesis deals with profound description of individual insulating materials according to the state of ...

Dosedla, Martin
Návrh a realizace měřícího kontroléru pro širokopásmovou kyslíkovou sondu

This thesis describes the design, realisation and calibration of hardware and software for wideband oxygen sensor control system using a digital signal controller (DSC). The controller is designed for measurement of air-to-fuel ratio during calibration, testing and verification of internal combus...

Jandík, Jan
Aktivní balancování a správa akumulátorů v domácí bateriové stanici

The master thesis is focused on the issue of the battery management systems used in the home battery stations. The individual circuits and software approach of the device were selected according to the performed research and with the knowledge of the required parameter...

Srogončík, Václav
Využití procesní sběrnice dle IEC61850-9-2 pro chránění linkového vedení

This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of the Merging Unit device, designed for measurement, digitalization (according to IEC61850) and providing measured values to line protections using the process bus. The first part is focused on the description of line protection, the IEC...

Klášterková, Jana
Bioplynová výrobna ZNZ Přeštice, a.s.

The master theses is focused on a smaller biogas plant in the Pilsen region. Theses is divided into four main chapters. In the first chapter I deal with a general description and principle of operation of biogas plants. The general description is logically followed by the...

Petriláková, Jana
Vliv řízeného spínání vypínačů na spolehlivý provoz přenosové soustavy

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the influence of controlled switching of circuit breakers on the operation of the transmission system. The diploma thesis is divided into four parts. The first chapter describes the theory of switching in a directly grounded and isolated&#...

Šonka, Zdeněk
Validace výpočetního kódu Serpent pro výpočty podkritičnosti

This diploma thesis deals with the use and the validation of Serpent computation code for criticality safety calculations and for the determination of the systematic bias for TRISO fuel reactors, which could then be compared with the systematic bias for VVER reactors. The work ...

Dražan, Jiří
Silová a řídící část měničů pro moderní elektrické servopohony

This thesis deals with the power and control parts of modern actuators and specific examples of their application. The description of the power part focuses mainly on electromagnetic compatibility and the problems of braking energy. The chapter on the control part deals mainly with...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 631