Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s work (KET) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 336
Kubíček, Robert
Vizualizace data IoT

The thesis contains a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, this work deals with an introduction to the concept of IoT and related technologies. In this part, the communication chain of the connected device is also analyzed, where the emphasis is on t...

Handrejch, Jan
Vícekanálové měření teploty pro platformu KETCube

The submitted bachelor thesis in its introductory part shortly deals with measured values (temperature, humidity), followed by a relatively extensive description of the used technologies, KETCube platform and an overview of available components for the design and proposal of expansion boards....

Přibek, Petr
Návrh pohonu elektrické koloběžky

The bachelor thesis presents design of synchronous motor with permanent magnets (PMSM) with outer rotor. The motor is designed for scooter rear wheel assembly. In the bachelor thesis, there is a calculation for electromagnetic design of the machine, spare parameters and machine losses.&...

Švagr, Kryštof
Stavba výukového modelu motoru

The work is in the first part focused on the propulsion systems used in electric cars, their cooling and the necessary electronics for operation. The next part deals with cars using to drive one of the mentioned systems. The last part is devoted to the main task,...

Drož, Adam
Finanční stránka online diagnostických systémů

The presented bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of online monitoring and diagnostic systems of power transformers. Furthermore, in this work are divided and described the types of systems in terms of complexity, as well as the number of monitored parameters,...

Šipla, Jan
Moderní trendy ve vývoji materiálů pro elektroizolační systémy kabelů

This bachelor thesis is focused on electrical insulating materials used in cable industry for fabrication of insulating layer of cables. A current state of electrical insulating materials with emphasis on polymer materials is described in theoretical part. Furthermore, the information about ...

Joza, Martin
Materiály pro tištěnou elektroniku

This bachelor thesis deals with the description of materials for printed electronics with a focus on sensor materials. Particular attention is paid to materials based on carbon heterostructures used in the field of chemical sensors for sensing toxic or otherwise harmful gases and s...

Kutěj, Petr
Görgesovo sedlo v momentové charakteristice synchronního motoru

The bachelor theses presents the Görgess saddle in torque characteristics of synchronous motor. This theses describes the begining of this phenomenon, simulating the start of the synchronous motor, where this phenomenon is and comparing the results with the teoretic one. The motor is&#x...

Jozová, Kateřina
Návrh elektrické koloběžky

The bachelor theses presents the design of electric scooter and adequate components which will be used for building the electric scooter. There were made three designs of electric scooters for comparison. The price calculation was also made all of the three scooters. The final ...

Honzík, Jan
Digitalizace procesů v elektrotechnické výrobě

The work addresses the state of digitization in an electrotechnical company, specifically in the company Styl-Plzeň, výrobní družstvo, závod elektro. As a form of solution, the author created a case study and SWOT analysis. In the introduction, the reader is acquainted with the iss...

Topinka, Vojtěch
Bezpečnost loT

This bachelor thesis deals with security issues in IoT systems. Its task is to inform about the risk of using these systems. The first chapter of this work deals with the concept of the Internet of Things. There are basic information about architecture, principle, today's&...

Strejc, Matyáš
Výroba a testování flexibilních plošných spojů

This bachelor thesis is focused on flexible printed circuits, on their composition and on production technology. In the text there is a detailed overview of technical standards concerning not only the general requirements of flexible printed boards, but also static and dynamic mechanica...

Janda, Tomáš
Vliv použitých materiálů a parametrů šablonového tisku na jeho kvalitu

The bachelor thesis presented is focused on the issues of the stencil printing in the modern electronics industry. The theoretical part contains the basic principle and the analysis of the stencil printing and the defects. Several experiments were conducted in the experimental&#x...

Vrbka, Tomáš
Směrový anténní sledovač založený na síle přijatého signálu

This bachelor thesis deals with designing, assembling and programming of an electronical device, which is turning towards the source of video signal with the assistance of servomotors. Main control element is a microcontroller, which is calculating the direction of the signal source wit...

Radouchová, Michaela
Textilní senzory natažení

This bachelor thesis deals with textile sensors for smart textiles. It focuses on their construction, application and used materials. Various textile sensors are described in this work, textile strain sensors are described in more detail. A practical part with the measurement of their&#...

Valnoha, Jan
Systémy a zařízení pro průmyslový internet věcí

The bachelor thesis "Systems and Equipment for Industrial Internet of Things" is focused on the Internet of Things and his part Industrial Internet of Things. The main part is devoted to the division of short and long range networks, comparing the differences between the&...

Hůla, Karel
Technologická řešení antén pro pásmo 2.4GHz - 2.5GHz

This bachelor thesis describes the technological solutions of antennas in frequency band 2,4 - 2,5 GHz. In the theoretical part is basic analysis of the band 2,4 - 2,5 GHz, the antennas parameters and types of antennas. The next part describes the design of selected types...

Carvan, Ondřej
Elektronická časomíra pro závody v běžeckém lyžování

The submitted bachelor thesis deals with the electronic timer for races in cross-country skiing. The goal of the thesis is the introduction of the contemporary systems, which are being used for electronic timing of races in cross-country skiing. The main goal is to design the&...

Kosť, Lukáš
Elektronické systémy integrované do Smart textilií

This bachelor thesis is focused on describing a understanding the basic principles in the field of Smart textiles. Theoretical part describes classification of Smart textiles in more detail, materials which can occur in those textiles, used production technologies and electronic systems suit...

Čechura, Martin
Kontaktování chytrých textilií

This bachelor thesis deals with description of current development of smart textiles and their application. The bachelor thesis describes available methods of contacting electronic elements in smart textiles and proposal contact samples on textile substrates with insulated conductive thread. Selected&...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 336