Recent Submissions
Sepešiová, Martina
Věštby v Asýrii This study discusses divination in Assyria, which was a highly important and respected discipline. Divination was done using the intestines of a sheep, by celestial signs or by a person’s appearance and behavior. In each chapter, the reader is acquainted with the appearance and... |
Sekerák, Marián
PETERKOVÁ, Jana a kol. (2014): Trendy a výzvy současné diplomacie. Česká a slovenská perspektiva. Praha: Troas. |
Šebianová, Kristýna
Strukturální analýza "první větve" Mabinogionu podle Clauda Lévi-Strausse This study attempts to apply the method of structural analysis to a Welsh myth taken from the Mabinogi book. This myth, the so-called “First Branch of Mabinogi”, refers to the relationship between the world of people and the Otherworld. The method of structural analysis, creat... |
Rigel, Michal
Světový étos a interkulturní dialog: staronové nástroje k prevenci konfliktů v soudobém světě This paper returns to the efforts of theologian Hans Küng, who sought to promote ideas of a “Global Ethic” within both world politics and at a grassroots level. It further postulates that the culturally and religiously plural society of today’s globalized world – which is ... |
Plachý, Ondřej
Analýza etap ve výzkumu klientelismu v odborné literatuře This study analyzes developments in the field of study of political clientelism over the course of the last 50 years. It will focus on a broad spectrum of literature, but will also pay attention to particular research carried out in Latin America. The main goal is to... |
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