Číslo 3 (2015) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Sepešiová, Martina
Věštby v Asýrii This study discusses divination in Assyria, which was a highly important and respected discipline. Divination was done using the intestines of a sheep, by celestial signs or by a person’s appearance and behavior. In each chapter, the reader is acquainted with the appearance and... |
Sekerák, Marián
PETERKOVÁ, Jana a kol. (2014): Trendy a výzvy současné diplomacie. Česká a slovenská perspektiva. Praha: Troas. |
Šebianová, Kristýna
Strukturální analýza "první větve" Mabinogionu podle Clauda Lévi-Strausse This study attempts to apply the method of structural analysis to a Welsh myth taken from the Mabinogi book. This myth, the so-called “First Branch of Mabinogi”, refers to the relationship between the world of people and the Otherworld. The method of structural analysis, creat... |
Rigel, Michal
Světový étos a interkulturní dialog: staronové nástroje k prevenci konfliktů v soudobém světě This paper returns to the efforts of theologian Hans Küng, who sought to promote ideas of a “Global Ethic” within both world politics and at a grassroots level. It further postulates that the culturally and religiously plural society of today’s globalized world – which is ... |
Plachý, Ondřej
Analýza etap ve výzkumu klientelismu v odborné literatuře This study analyzes developments in the field of study of political clientelism over the course of the last 50 years. It will focus on a broad spectrum of literature, but will also pay attention to particular research carried out in Latin America. The main goal is to... |
Naxera, Vladimír
Ke strukturálním příčinám rozvinutí korupčního jednání v komunistických režimech The focus of this text is corruption and clientelism in communist society. General knowledge about corruption is defined in the context of the communist regime and this is further specified using the example of Czechoslovakia. The theoretical framework of this text, which stems fro... |
Liška, Martin
SRCH, Daniel (2015): Na černé listině. Hollywoodští rudí a hony na čarodějnice v americkém filmovém průmyslu (1947–1960). Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy. |
Lasicová, Jana
Mutňan, Marek
KAZANSKÝ, Rastislav a IVANČÍK, Radoslav (2015): Teoretické východiská skúmania konfliktov. Banská Bystrica: Belianum. |
Kudláčová, Lenka
Severní Korea v mezinárodních vztazích: jak uchopovat severokorejskou zahraniční politiku? This article deals with the perspectives that are used to analyze North Korean foreign policy. In particular, it offers the perspective of an irrational or mad actor, the perspective of a rational actor, the ideological and cultural perspective, the identity perspective and, finally,... |
Kubica, Jan
FIALA-FÜRST, Ingeborg (Hrsg.) (2014): Prager deutsche, deutschböhmische und deutschmährlsche Literatur. Eine Neubestimmung. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. |
Kramer, Alfred
SHUTT, Allison K. (2015): Manners make a nation. Raclal etiquette in Southern Rhodesia, 1910-1963. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. |
Kováčová, Eleonóra
Vývoj verejnej správy v podmienkach samostatnej Slovenskej republiky Since 1990, the public administration of the Slovak Republic has gone through important changes in its state administration, local state administration, as well as self- -administration, both on the local and regional level. This, naturally, required stabilisation, which aimed to increase th... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
Na cestě od věty k textu The aim of this article is to present a wide range of text grammars in modern French grammar books. Text grammars are expected to provide a more adequate framework for the description of many problematic phenomena dealt with in modern linguistics. A text that lacks cohere... |
Dirga, Lukáš
The possible applications of the guard´s world concept in the analysis of the czech prison system The sphere of prison environment is currently one of the most undiscovered topics in the social research in the context of the Czech Republic. This article attempts partially fill out this gap. Based on ethnographic study of prison guards working in the Czech prison system,... |
Rosůlek, Přemysl
Interview on the Republic of Macedonia with Zhidas Daskalovski |
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