Číslo 1-2 (2015) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dobrovolná, Kateřina
M. Pavlásek-J.Nosková (eds.) - Když výzkum, tak kvalitativní: serpentinami bádání v terénu (2013) |
Strych, Filip
Markéta Křížová - Otroctví v Novém světě od 15. do 19. století (2013) |
Henrichová, Martina
Pavel Hošek - A bohové se vracejí: proměny náboženství v postmoderní době (2012) |
Buchtík, Martin
Cesta za dobrodružstvím: role-playingová simulace jako inovace v sociálně vědním výzkumu? |
Rajniaková, Daniela
Etnologická reflexia zmien v rolovom správaní mužov otcov po rozvode manželstva Fatherhood is not some fixed role that exists forever. Every generation and every culture interprets and defi nes the fatherly role differently. This is due to the fact that the father is closely related to the individual concepts of masculinity, and therefore&#... |
Nádaská, Klára
Pověra a kyberantropologie The presented contribution is based on research materials of a defended master’s thesis. It deals with the issue of defi ning the term “superstition” and subsequently presents its own research, which is focused on the superstition that warns against buying a str... |
Soukalová, Kateřina
Kleveta jako prostředek sociální kontroly The paper presents gossip as a means of social control. It shows that gossip as informal social control is used mainly to maintain a group’s norms and values. It highlights the importance of the preventive character of gossip, because the possible existence ... |
Krylová, Radoslava
Městská divočina: dystopie a heterotopie v současném městě This text deals with possible ways of conceptualizing the phenomenon of urban wilderness. Urban wilderness refers to a wasteland in a contemporary city which has lost its original use and function, and which is slowly acquiring the character of nature. One possi... |
Bednárová, Lenka
Sexualita náctiletých: bezpečný sex, obavy a rizika Sex and sexuality is becoming one of the main topics of public discussion on television and on Internet servers. Among the consumers of these media are adolescent individuals, who form their perception of sexuality and have their fi rst sexual experiences. The&#... |
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