Volume 3, number 1-2 (1995) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Casey, Stephen D.
The interaction of theory and procedure in fractal geometry This article discusses the interplay in fractal geometry occuring between computer programs for developing (approximations of) fractal sets and the underlying dimension theory. The computer is ideally suited to implement the recursive algorithms needed to create these sets, thus giving us a&... |
Brun, Jean-Marc
Foufou, Sebti
Bouras, Abdelaziz
Study of iterative processes in computer graphic´s problems The convergency of iterative processes can exhibit unexpected behaviours. In this paper an analysis of the convergency of the iterative processes is made through the application of the Newton method to the polynomial equations resolution. This leads to the definition of a dynamic r... |
Bourdin, J. J.
Fast colour shading Colour shading a region of the plane is the action of filling its interior with continously varying colours. Some classic methods are presented. This paper proposes an original approach to colour shading. A condition of smoothness is given. A region is modeled as a support... |
Cordeiro Bernardes, Marcelo
Wu, Shin-Ting
An approach to drawing fair plane open curves In this paper an approach for interpolating a given sequence of points by a fair plane curve is presented. Since the fairness concept is subjective, a non-classical modeling tool - fuzzy sets - is used and interactive facilities are provided. Some results of our implementation... |
Jelínek, I.
Berka, R.
One method of the human body model animation In the first part of the paper we show a new approach to the modelling of the human body. The modelling of the human body has two parts - the model structure description (the model of the human body we call "figure") and the model motion control. The... |
Beneš, Bedřich
Generating a model of plant using nurbs |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 3 (1995)
- 46 1995