Číslo 2 (2013) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Eger, Ludvík
Úvodní slovo |
Sojka, Ladislav
Analytický pohľad na problematiku manažmentu talentov a návrh integrovaného modelu manažmentu talentov The article analyses situation in talent management, and accent is given on the idiosyncratic advantage of talent management for organization. Point out is fact that don’t exist clear definition of talent management in academic and practical sphere. There is stated definition of&... |
Springer, Agnieszka
Building strategy of talent retention on basis of achievement goal theory of motivation - theoretical assumptions The key area of management of the organization are people, which determine the strategic company goals. The implementation of talent management is a way to build a competitive advantage in the market. Unfortunately, many reports indicate that employees perceived constant talents ... |
Eger, Ludvík
Rozvoj lidí v organizaci a Lomingerův kompetenční model The application of the Lominger’s Competency Model is based on the researches and studies of Lominger International that focus on talent management and that currently significantly emphasize Learning Agility. (There are 7 global focus areas in the model identified as critical to&... |
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Savov, Radovan
Tóth, Marián
Is successful retaining of talented individuals determined by firm´s economical situation? A case of slovak firms from Nitra region Retaining of talented employees is a crucial part of talent management process. We confirm that the change of economic situation of firm is an important determinant of successful retaining of talented employees. We confirm this assumption on a sample of firms from Nitra ... |
Czeglédi, Csilla
Marosné Kuna, Zsuzsa
Hajós, László
Current challenges of talent management in the V4 countries with special respect to Hungary Based on the Hungarian data of the ongoing Visegrad funded project titled „Integrated talent management-challenge and future for organisations in Visegrad countries” (Visegrad Fund / number 21220142), a pilot cluster analysis was conducted to find out the main characteristics of ... |
Tyl, Jan
People unlimited - talent management The article deals with the issue of talent management at AGC Flat Glass Czech a. s., a member of the AGC group. The first chapter presents the company´s manufacturing program and describes the basic principles of human resource management in the company and the ele... |
Rolková, Monika
Vybrané aspekty implementácie participatívnoho štýlu riadenia v podniku The participative management style means that the employees have the ability to influence the conditions in which they work and, together with managers, are involved in all decisions. The use of experience and knowledge of employees through their participation should lead to ... |
Celer, Čeněk
Společensky odpovědný management Management of corporate social responsibility limits impacts on environment, improves communication with customers, strives for feeling good of fellow workers. If the company wants to succeed in the global competition, it should not only profess CSR, but also inform about its act... |
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