Title: The speaker adaptation of an acoustic model
Other Titles: Adaptace akustického modelu
Authors: Machlica, Lukáš
Zajíc, Zbyněk
Citation: MACHLICA, Lukáš; ZAJÍC, Zbyněk. The speaker adaptation of an acoustic model. In: The 1st Young Researchers Conference on Applied Sciences: conference proceedings book: 13 November 2007 University of West Bohemia. PlzeĹ: ZápadoÄŤeská univerzita v Plzni, 2007, s. 212-217. ISBN 978-80-7043-574-8.
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: článek
URI: http://www.kky.zcu.cz/cs/publications/MachlicaL_2007_TheSpeaker
ISBN: 978-80-7043-574-8
Keywords: adaptace;MAP;MLLR;CMLLR;combination
Keywords in different language: adaptation;MAP;MLLR;CMLLR;combination
Abstract: Tento článek popisuje několik adaptačních metod. Každá z metod přináší různé výhody.Zabývali jsme se i jejich kombinacemi. Byly použity metody MAP, MLLR a CMLLR. Všechny modely jsou založeny na HMM přístupu.
Abstract in different language: This paper deals with several adaptation techniques, which are of the importance in cases when the identity of a speaker is known and we want to recognize his speech. Each of the methods yields various benefits, therefore we examined their combination. This approach brought further error rate decreasing. We are using three different methods, namely Maximum Apriori Probability adaptation, Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression and Constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression. All acoustic models are based on the Hiden Markov Model.
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (KKY)
Články / Articles (NTIS)

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