Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 241 až 260 z 337
Martincová, Tereza
Jindřich VIII. a založení anglikánské církve

The work is focused on the most important events in the reign of Henry VIII., from his ascension to the English throne in 1509 to the birth of the Church of England in 1534. Its composition is not chronological but thematical with the emphasis on the important p...

Kubínová, Kateřina
Hlavní události života císaře Fridricha Barbarossy

This barchelor thesis focuses on the person of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, especially his political actions in government. My target is to work to capture all the important milestones of his reign, especially analyze his conflict with Pope Alexander III. and the overall posit...

Wischin, Jakub
Střetávání křesťanství a islámu v průběhu Křížových výprav

This work is about development of relations between Christianity and Islam around main events of Crusades in 1095-1291. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze it and judge consequences Crusades had on both communities.

Šretr, Marek
Evžen Savojský ve válce o španělské dědictví

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and describe the military campaigns of Prince Eugene of Savoy in the War of the Spanish Succession. The work offers an overview on the ability to command the army, with an emphasis on the battles against the French army. It&#...

Sosna, Marek
Válka o Falklandy 1982

The topic of my thesis is the Falklands War, 1982. Thesis deals with the war between Great Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands. The aim was to show how much effort the British had to acquire the islands back.

Horáková, Petra
Pád Berlína 1945

The work is focused on the circumstances of the fall of Berlin in 1945. Describes how the Soviet troops under the influence of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and the Western allies. It also mentions about the lives of individual German bigwigs including the dreaded Adolf Hitler&...

Suchanová, Lucie
Příčiny Velké francouzské revoluce

This thesis deals with the causes of the French Revolution. There is considered the pre-revolutionary time in the world, mainly in Europe. Furthermore, social causes, or hierarchical division of society. The economic crisis in the country, which led to the fall of the Bastille....

Říhová, Anna
Klášter Cluny a jeho reformy

This thesis deals with the French monastery of Cluny and reform incurred in this monastery. The work focuses on the origin, course and consequences of these reforms.It deals with the introduction of reforms in European countries as were France, the Holy Roman Empire, Italy, Sp...

Pořízek, Matěj
Robert Knox a rasová teorie

This bachelor thesis decribes life a racial theory of Scotish Robert Knox. In the first few chaptel I will describe his childhood a his growing up his studies at Edinburgh University. Then I going to describe the most important parts of his life like Burke and Hare&#...

Metlička, Daniel
Účast Švédska v Třicetileté válce.

The work assesses the political and economical situation in Sweden before the Thirty Years War. Then analyzed the process of the two final stages of the war to the signing of the peace treaties in Osnabrück and Münster.

Nováková, Monika
Vztahy mezi Československem a NSR v době tzv. východní politiky Willyho Brandta

The work of trying to look at the Brandtovu of the Eastern policy as a problem whose reflection requires examination of the several planes of development of post-war Germany. Thus not only the purely political plane of international contractual relationships, but also other essenti...

Karban, Lukáš
Rytířský řád Křižovníků s červenou hvězdou

The objective of the bachelor thesis is to describe the development of the Order of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star since its foundation to the year of 1790. The student shall focus on the description and characteristics of this order. He shall introduce&#...

Řepík, Pavel
Reflexe klíčových událostí v Plzni roku 1918 v regionálním tisku

This Bachelor thesis deals with an issue of reflexion of important events in 1918 in Pilsen published in regional newspapers of that time. The thesis concerns mainly on those events which were published owing to their importance and which were interpreted to the wide public&#x...

Brož, Martin
Indiánské války v Severní Americe

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis called ´The Great Sioux War´ is to analyse the crucial events that led to the rising of Sioux nation and following war between Indians and troops of U.S. Army. Furthermore, it describes the process of war, main characters of its and&...

Egnerová, Zuzana
Reakce Plzeňského tisku na vypuknutí první světové války

n my work in the main section will focus on the reaction of Pilsen print on the outbreak of World War I. The introductory chapters briefly outline the events prior to the outbreak.

Krištofová, Veronika
Japonské speciální útočné jednotky

The theme of the qualification work is Japanese Special Attack Units also known as the Kamikaze. It deals with the historical, culture and social background. Thesis deals with Special Attack Units origin, military training of its pilots and with their habits and traditions. It ...

Laipertová, Tereza
Václav II. v kontextu středoevropské politiky 13. a 14. století

Bachelor Thesis is focused on the last but one Czech king Wenceslaus II, who came from Premyslides dynasty. I paid my attention to the period and the context until the year 1278, Wenceslaus´s interment and his ascension to the throne, reining the Bohemia and the minting&#...

Metlička, Daniel
Účast Švédska v Třicetileté válce

This thesis briefly discusses about the Swedish-Polish war and economic situation in Sweden before entering the Thirty Years War in 1630. Subsequently is focused to each phase of the war led by King Gustav II. Adolf and generals Bannérs and Torstensson. Thesis is also marginal...

Količová, Klára
Občanská válka v USA

This thesis focuses on the Civil War in the United States in the years 1861-1865. The work deals with the causes of the conflict, further progress and ultimate consequences. It also explained the issue of post-war stabilization and reconstruction of the South. The work also&#x...

Ibrahimová, Dominika
Španělská občanská válka

The thesis deals with the topic of the Spanish Civil War. It describes the situation before the outbreak of the conflict, which focuses on social and political events in Spain. Further it deals in detail with the beginning of the war, major battles, the reaction abroad&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 241 až 260 z 337