Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KČJ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 314
Tomanová, Miroslava
Zájmena a jejich pojetí v současných mluvnicích

This bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of pronouns and their concept in contemporary grammars. It analyzes the definition of pronouns as part of speech, and further compares their division according to species and type of declension. It also contains the characteristics of ...

Mizerová, Sára
Výuka literatury na vybraných středních školách na Karlovarsku za minulého režimu - orálněhistorický výzkum

The bachelor thesis focuses on the teaching literature at secondary schools in Karlovy Vary during the previous regime. The thesis is structured into several chapters dealing with different topics. The first chapter presents oral historical research as a key method and describes the...

Valíčková, Anna
Výuka českého jazyka a literatury na ZŠ Bor u Tachova za minulého režimu - orálněhistorický výzkum

This bachelor's thesis examines the teaching of Czech language and literature at Bor Elementary School during the previous regime. Thesis is structured into several chapters that deal with different topics. Most of the information is based on the oral narration of a contemporary...

Švarcová, Helena
Soukromé doučování žáků ve vztahu k základnímu školství

This work provides a closer explanation of basic concepts related to private tutoring of pupils-foreigners, connected legislation, and supportive measures. Apart from a general overview of private tutoring, approaches to this issue within foreign countries and the Czech Republic are described.&#x...

Štveráková, Johanka
Znalost vybraných frazémů u žáků 2. stupně ZŠ

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the knowledge of phrasal idioms among 2nd grade primary school pupils. The aim of the thesis is to determine and assess the level of knowledge of this age category in the field of phraseology and to provide information about their abil...

Štréblová, Anna
Božena Němcová a její život na Chodsku

The work explores the life of Božena Němcová in the Chodsko region from several perspectives, utilizing various literary sources which it compares. It also maps the current opinions of Chodsko residents regarding Němcová in relation to the Chodsko region. The aim of the work i...

Jakubčíková, Michaela
Mluva včelařů - výzkum sociolektu

The bachelor thesis deals with the collection and analysis of bee sociolect. In the theoretical part, the concept of slang and sociolect is defined. A short part of the theory is also devoted to the history of beekeeping in our territory. Furthermore, the issues of ...

Ryška, Ondřej
Obraz českých reálií v Husitské trilogii Andrzeje Sapkowského

This thesis deals with Czech realia Hussite Trilogy of Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski and also with the relationship of the author and his work to the Czech lands. It defines the concept of Czech realia with regard to the historical period, sets criteria for collecting r...

Kolářová, Magdaléna
Sociolekt ve zvířecích útulcích

The thesis focuses on sociolect in animal shelters. The theoretical part defines the concepts of standard and non-standard language, national language stratification, and sociolect classification. It also includes the definition of slang and the characteristics of professional jargon and argot. T...

Šujancová, Michaela
Tvorba Veroniky Válkové

This bachelor thesis explores the works of Veronika Válková, focusing on the book series Kouzelný atlas Putování časem. Its aim was to ascertain whether and how this series could contribute to the development of reading and motivate pupils toward history and literature. Through the...

Šubrtová, Marie
Pivovarská profesní mluva

This bachelor thesis focuses on the research of language means used in the brewery environment. The collected language material is further classified in terms of semantics and the motivation behind the creation of individual lexical units.

Mikulenková, Adéla
Mluva žáků na II. stupni ZŠ

This bachelor's thesis deals with the speech of elementary school students. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part provides a theoretical basis for the subsequent analysis of the acquired expression, the pubertal period is further ...

Pejsarová, Zuzana
Vícejazyčnost ve vybraných překladech díla Terryho Pratchetta

Bachelor thesis focuses on multilingualism in selected translations of works by Terry Pratchett. It describes the stratification of Czech language and multilingualism in artistic text and advertisment. The practical part of thesis examines forms of speech of Discworld´s characters.

Stehlíková, Anna
Rozmary počasí v raném středověku

My bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of natural motives in the oldest Czech historiography. I have excerpted references to nature from the Chronicle of Kosmas and from the works of his followers (Mnich sázavský, Kanovník vyšehradský, Vincencius and Jarloch). I mainly dealt wi...

Benediktová, Eva
Jazyková komika v blogu (vybraný autor)

In the bachelor's thesis, we focus on the issue of utilizing the means of language comedy in a blog. We describe the theory of comedy and its various configurations, namely irony, naivety, absurdity, and humor. We also examine the meaning of comedy and its structuring ...

Čížková, Eliška
Stezka se čtenářským zaměřením v okolí Přeštic

This bachelor's thesis deals with the design of an educational trail with a reader orientation in Přeštice and its surroundings. The theoretical part is devoted to the evaluation of the potential of the selected territory in which the trail route is designed, the concept o...

Mojžíšová, Hana
Současný sociolekt v házené

The bachelor thesis deals with the contemporary handball sociolect. In the theoretical part, the individual formations of the national language, slang, ways of forming sociolect expressions, handball environment and users of the sociolect are characterized. In the introduction of the thesis, ...

Hauserová, Hana
Typy a charakteristika koordinačních vztahů v textech odborného funkčního stylu

The bachelor's thesis titled "Types and characteristics of coordination relations in texts of professional functional style" deals, in the theoretical part, with the description of professional functional style and explains the issue of syntactic relations. It also focuses on coordinatio...

Hlaváčková, Magdaléna
Dramatická výchova jako vyučovací metoda v předmětu český jazyk a literatura na 2. stupni ZŠ

This thesis deals with the topic of drama education as a teaching method at the second level of primary schools. The aim of the thesis is to verify by research whether the methods of dramatic education can be an effective and efficient tool in teaching the Czech ...

Lambertová, Zuzana
Syntaktická charakteristika textů Milana Kundery

This bachelor thesis deals with the syntactic characteristics of two prose works by Milan Kundera. These are the short story collection Laughable Loves, written in the 1960s, and the novel Ignorance, written at the beginning of the 21st century. The selected texts were analysed...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 314