Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (UUD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Malcová, Stanislava
ANALÝZA SOUČASNÉHO ODĚVU A KONFRONTACE S HISTORICKÝMI ODKAZY My work means keeping the tradition and its approaching these days for me. In accordance with the previous sentence, I chose a motive of high folk lace of Plasy from 19th century being very close to me. The motive is cut off and pressed from transparental sheet ... |
Rešl, Patrik
Set kuchyňských elektrospotřebičů Kitchen appliances inspired by karst phenomena. Set called StalaX includes kettle, juicer and freezer. The aim of this thesis was to show a different view on these purely functional appliances. |
Muzika, Radek
Relaxační mobiliář do interiéru Design of relaxation furniture to interior. Includes an armchair,a pouffe,a coffee table and two audio speakers. The sense of this project is an unusual combination of products with different function. The furniture can be used in different kinds of interior because of It is e... |
Karas, Milan
Úložný prostor Modular system which offers compilation of individual storage space. |
Holán, Josef
Pikniková cestovní sada This is a small folding picnic table, for two persons and every age category, which has a place inside for two pieces of plate, bottle, two glasses, fork and spoon and boxes for food. Whole content is secured against lost when you travel with it using padded bla... |
Lalák, Ondřej
Sedací nábytek Stubus is a multi-functional piece of furniture; it is a chair in the first place but after only a few simple moves, it can also function as a table, stool or a storage basket.The basic shape of the Stubus chair is a cylinder and using a single cut, you... |
Řezáčová, Zdeňka
Design motorové sekačky The design of electric lawn mower that collects the grass in the eco-friendly containers. The stress and displacement analysis of the lawn mower's handle. |
Fleková, Lucie
Sada svítidel-stropní, nástěnné, samostatně stojící As a topic of my Bachelor work I chose to design a set of lights. My work includes three functional prototypes. First one is a chandelier, which is made out of ash wood, just like all the other wooden componenst in the set. Part of it is also a ceiling... |
Gažarová, Martina
Šperk pro někoho In his work esteteding and symbolically describes one of the last stages of decomposition shell of deer. I use the skin, bones and dirt. These three materials creates a timeline where at the beginning we have the remains of the physical page and in the end only ... |
Rahalskaya, Aksana
Autoportrét My work consists of set of self-portrait objects that are made with usage of my own hair and intended for my husband. The objects divide into two groups. The first group is brooches that hidden under clothes and remind of me when I am absent. The second group... |
Kvasničková, Barbora
Reflexe The topic of my thesis is a snowflake. Snowflakes always fascinated me. I've created my own snowflakes, my winter blossoms, blossoms of life. I created several objects that can be perceived as one single snowflake or more flakes stacked on top of each other. I wanted&... |
Zelená, Karolína
Funerálie The result of my thesis is to create three objects that are intended for a sacred place in Dolní Břežany. Objects are made of iron at a scale of 1:10. The composition consists of a circle and a square. Are connected through welding.The color scheme is resident i... |
Franková, Monika
Autoportrét The topic of my bachelor work is "SELF- PORTRAIT". When choosing this particular topic I somehow knew I will be forced to reveal and expose things about me which I usually keep strictly to myself. Interpretation of this topic into jewels has become the biggest c... |
Kobelová, Mária
Mikro/Makro Inspiration is everything around me, everything possible round me in the world. It is necessary to perceive the inputs round us and place them in new and unexpected relations. I made a series of jewels for a body called "Epi" derived from the epilepsy disease, w... |
Horálková, Jana
Komunikace In my work I focused me to impersonal direct touch. All my work is thinking about important of touching in some situations. I was writing , which influences have basics of human etiqqete and institutionalized gestures according to me. The results of my work are three ... |
Juračka, Antonín
Hračka mechanická Every child likes to play with moving toys.The best toys are those that can be made from a few parts, and then composed. Therefore, these toys are assembled from different components commonly available. For example screws, nuts, etc. These mechanical toys with three different ... |
Hynková, Kateřina
Malá kolekce oděvů, ve které bude základním prvkem motiv (tisk, výšivka, dezén) Let's imagine the world where human beings are connected to ech other.Every touch is printed on the skin of another person as a memory. This peocess of creates their own appeance as a sekon skin.Our garments act as a reflection of our expirience and a part of... |
Dolníková, Silvia
Představa The topic of my bachelor project is "IMAGE". There was absolute darkness in my room that night, when suddenly a car passed by my street. That car caused light which made a big light theatre act. That act played itself all over my room, on the walls and... |
Vaněčková, Martina
Multimediální projekt I created interactive multimedia project, where I am mapping my personal space. I have put a few animations into this space. |
Vitáková, Martina
Multimediální prezentace firmy As a theme of my bachelor thesis I've decided to describe a process of creating multimedia presentation of a local private firm. After considering the time frame provided for finishing the thesis work, documenting a real-life project has become my clear preference. As a subject of my... |