Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPD) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 43 of 43
Slámová, Jana
Právní postavení učitelů 1848 - 1948

This work focuses on the historical development of education reform, school systems and the related legislative provisions in this area during the period 1848 - 1948. Another part is devoted to the legal status of teachers , focusing on physical security , social status and&#x...

Hamerlík, Jan
Župní zákon z r.1920 a organizační zákon z r.1927 - dualistický rozbor

In my thesis I describe and anlyze the county law of 1920 and the organizational law of 1927 which was to reform the public administration in the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic. Main goal of these reforms was the unification of the administrative systém. Focus on&...

Šalda, Robert
Trestně-právní formy politické perzekuce komunistického režimu a její vývoj v letech 1945 až 1955

This bachelor thesis is focused on political repressions in Czechoslovakia in the period of the first ten years after the World War II. The introduction deals with the situation of punishments for crimes and the offence connected to the Nazi occupation and also with the&...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 43 of 43