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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 43
Skopový, Štěpán
Ústavní listiny první Československé republiky - komparativní studie

This thesis deals with the comparison constitutional charters in some selected questions of law, institutions and provisions during the First Czechoslovak Republic

Adámek, Jakub Manfred
Vývoj policejní správy 1848-1938

The theme of my work in many respects recognized purely descriptive in nature, therefore it is quite difficult to come up with some major "discovery". The aim of this work was to at least partially coherent picture of the development of security forces in our co...

Drtil, Marek
Vývoj policejní správy 1918-1938

The objective of the bachelor thesis is to approach the evolution of the police administration in Bohemia, in particular between years 1918 and 1938. I would like to target the development of police forces during those years and to refer to their competences. First of all...

Haník, Vladimír
Iracionální důkazní prostředky-Ordál soubojem

This study mainly deals with ordals as iracional proofs. It is focused on judicial combat and it describes history, begining and end of them especially in Europe. Next it deals with term of duell whitch is described very in depthfully.

Fučíková, Kateřina
Ústavněprávní vývoj v Československu v letech 1960-1989

Constitutional developments in Czechoslovakia in the years 1960 - 1989 was affected by international political situation, by the February events of 1948, when the Communist Party came to power and began the transformation of the social and political system according to the model of...

Volf, Michal
Reforma veřejné správy v ČSR v letech 1945 - 1949

Local and reform of 1949 was one of a series of modifications of administrative division of Czechoslovakia in the 20th century . In 1945, none of the major political parties doubted its necessity . Large differences in the attitudes of the parties , however, are in t...

Cásková, Barbora
Zrušení nevolnictví Josefem II. v r. 1781

The 1st of November 1781 saw the liberation of all Czech people from labour exploitation. People from the countryside had suffered a great deal. Under the thumb of enligtenment thinkers Maria Theresia and mainly her successor Joseph II. began to edit the relationship between s...

Vlčková, Barbora
Komparace organizace soudnictví za první ČSR a organizace soudnictví v dnešní době

The aim of my thesis is based on the comparison of the organization of the judiciary for the 1st Czechoslovakia and organizations today, to some extent, to compare differences in both periods. In particular, I focused on a comparison of constitutional justice. In the introduct...

Hůlovcová, Tereza
Občanská práva a svobody podle ústavy z roku 1920

The main purpose of this paper is to capture the area of civil rights and liberties in the period of the first Czechoslovac Republic. Further more I try to compare these rights and liberties from the point of view of constitutional development of our state from its&#...

Nechutný, Vladimír
Organizace soudnictví v habsburské monarchii v letech 1848 - 1918

The theme of this work is the organization of the judiciary in the Habsburg Monarchy in the years 1848 - 1918. Here aren´t only different types of courts, which at this time were established, as well as legal persons, such as the administration of justice - that ...

Mašek, Martin
Dějiny policie a četnictva mezi lety 1918-1938 se zaměřením na regiony Lounsko a Mostecko

The work is focused on development of gendarmery and police in Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1938. It is divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes the period between world wars and is based on information form book sources. The researching part analyses information&#...

Pavlů, Tomáš
Mnichovská dohoda - platnost nebo neplatnost

This thesis serves to clarify the Treaty of Munich and position of the Czechoslovakian Republic before World War II. This topic is still viewed very controversially in the context of the world?s history and, specially, of the Czechoslovakian history. Treaty of Munich was an im...

Šlapáková, Nikola
Právní postavení obyvatelstva za Protektorátu Čechy a Morava, se zaměřením na české obyvatelstvo (region Plzeňsko)

The work deals with the Czech population in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and his legal status. Furthermore, in my work and autonomous administrative authorities of the Reich and the effect of local resistance in Pilsen.

Martínková, Veronika
Institut soudce z lidu v období 1948 - 1989

The main topic of this thesis are the judges from the people. The work deals with the legislation of the judiciary, fundamental sources of law, which judges from the people had to follow, including a description of the actual performance of duties before 1989. It also...

Procházka, Pavel
Právní a správní aspekty protektorátu Čechy a Morava

The thesis reviews development of the legal system and the application of administrative authorities during German occupation of Czechoslovakia from 1939 to 1945. The dissertation focuses especially on the protectorate administration, character of the supervisory and executive power authorities, and&#...

Hrubý, Jakub
Mnichovská dohoda - historickoprávní vyvoj a důsledky

This work deals with a broader wiev of European development after World War I, which led to the signing of Munich agreement and its subsequent consequences. It also focuses on development in Germany and in Czechoslovakia a and their mutual relations, and to their area of&...

Tégl, Patrik
Mistři popravří jako součást městské správy

The work deals with the development rights in relation to the development of medieval towns, rights holders and their changes over time. The position of executioner in the law, the city administration as well as their social status. The demonstration that uses examples from th...

Churcev, Vladimír
Etika advokáta - vztah advokáta a klienta

The thesis deals with rights and duties of solicitors in a relationship with a client as well as the historical development of legal profession since ancient Rome and in Czech Lands too. The beginning of the thesis also generally explains the term legal profession and it&...

Procházka, Martin
Mírový projekt Jiřího z Poděbrad

Thesis is divided into two main chapters. First chapter is focused on biography of Jiří z Poděbrad, history of his house, education and diplomatic career, coronation, years on czech throne and ends with death of Jiží z Poděbrad. Second main chapter is focused on his peace...

Andrlová, Eva
Patenty Marie Terezie

Bachelor thesis was concerned with Maria Theresa's reformatory activities and patents publishing.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 43