Diplomové práce / Theses (KPD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 301
Zajačik, Adam
Odpovědnost dlužníka při reálných kontraktech

This diploma thesis bears the title Liability of the debtor in real contracts. Its main goal is to approximate roman civil law, more specifically law of obligation to the readers. Then to reflect on roman real contracts and to cover its evolution throughout the era of...

Pettrich, Jan
Právní úprava organizace armády, policie a četnictva v 2. polovině 19. století

The qualification thesis deals with the legal regulation of the organisation of security forces in the second half of the 19th century. The aim of the diploma thesis is to define and analyse the most important contemporary legal sources and to describe the development of ...

Novotný, Michal
Rodinný fideikomis šlechty v českých zemích na příkladu svěřenského nástupnictví na bývalých schlikovských panstvích Kopidlno a Staré Hrady

The aristocratic family of the Counts of Schlik originates from Western Bohemia. After 1648, Heinrich Schlik began to build its family new future domain in Eastern Bohemia. The new estates were located around the town of Jičín. The center of the manor were the towns and&#...

Kubrycht, Josef
Konec Svaté říše římské národa německého

The thesis deals with the last period of the "life" of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. After clarifying what the Holy Roman Empire was, it provides insight into the political and legal culture of the Empire before its collapse in 1806. It draws ...

Rakašová, Karin
Právní úprava vzniku a vývoje Sboru národní bezpečnosti v Československu 1948 - 1989

This diploma thesis is about law regulation of the National Security Corps in Czechoslovakia 1948 to 1989. The aim of the thesis is detailed analysis of the four main laws and their selected implementing legislation. The concluison of the thesis should be comparison of the...

Varga, Daniel
Stanovení státních hranic našeho státu po 1. a 2. světové válce

This thesis focuses on the issue of border demarcation of our country after the World War I and World War II. The thesis highlights the most important events that are closely related to the issue. In the introductory part, the issue of the determination of borders af...

Rada, Ondřej
Komparace francouzských protektorátů Tunisko a Maroko

This thesis deals with the historical comparison of French protectorates in Tunisia and Morocco. The main task of this thesis is focused on providing a new view on the development and the origin of protectorates, the exercise of power within them and the process of decolo...

Popov, Egor
Kult osobnosti v Sovětském svazu a jeho právní důsledky

Russia's actions in the 20th century brought significant changes in Europe and in the whole world. The popularization of the idea of communism has had a significant impact on the development of global society. The main representative of the early Soviet Union - Stalin -&#x...

Podolová, Barbora
Protižidovská legislativa a právní postavení Židů za doby Protektorátu Čechy a Morava

The diploma thesis deals with the subject of the anti-Jewish legislation during the period of World War II, namely that in the territory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The primary objective is to present the fundamental legislation directed against Jews at that ti...

Hynek, Jiří
Právní postavení členů Národního shromáždění ČSR v letech 1920-1939

The focus of this thesis is on the parliamentarism legislation in 1920 to 1939 Czechoslovakia. Main goal of the thesis is to broadly introduce the topic of rights and obligations of the members of both parliament and senate during the time of the first Czechoslovak republ...

Macháčková, Eva
Změny vlastnických vztahů k půdě v Čechách po roce 1918

The thesis deals with the main changes in land ownership in Bohemia after 1918. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of this issue. Thesis consists of seven chapters, which gradually address the topics of the first and second land reforms, collecti...

Poulová, Alexandra
Římské procesní právo

In my diploma thesis, I shall deal with the topic of Roman procedural law. First, I will examine the history of the functioning of the Roman judiciary, focusing on the analysis of individual developmental stages in chronological order. I will also explore the influence of ...

Petříková, Lucie
Právní postavení československých legií v Rusku v letech 1914-1920

This thesis will be based mainly on the matter of contemporary public international law and military law with an overlap into Austro-Hungarian criminal law. In my thesis, I will first briefly introduce the historical background of the Czechoslovak Legions and their gradual development&#...

Lamka, Jakub
Kosmova kronika jako poznávací pramen práva

This diploma thesis deals with The Cosmas' Chronicle of the Czechs from a legal point of view. After the introduction I briefly deal with Cosmas himself, I describe his times and the most important institutions of early medieval period. This thesis is mainly of an ana...

Baborová, Kristýna
Manželství v římském právu

The thesis deals with the topic of marriage in Roman law from its conclusion to divorce. The thesis deals with the institutes of marriage in the canonical and the current legal system, in which one can find elements arising from Roman law.

Homolková, Kristýna
Dispozice mortis causa v římském právu v komparaci s občanským zákoníkem

The theme of the Diploma thesis is Disposition of mortis causa in Roman law compared with the Civil Code. There are two main parts of the Diploma thesis following after the introduction - Disposition of mortis causa in Roman law and in the Czech law. The...

Benedikt, Miloš
Role finanční náhrady při majetkovém vyrovnání státu s církvemi a náboženskými společnostmi

The diploma thesis provides informations about the issue of property settlement of the state with churches and religious societies. It deals with the historical context that led to the creation of the comprehensive law and with the methods of property settlement of Central European...

Franková, Andrea
Vlivy římského práva na český právní řád

The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the influence of Roman law on the Czech legal system. Specifically, the thesis focuses on the institution of wills and its legal regulation in the laws that were in force in our territory from the end of the 16th...

Kroftová, Irena
Reforma v oblasti tiskového práva v období první Československé republiky 1918-1938

The main aim of the Thesis is to map individual legal norms in the field of Press Law in 1918-1938 chronologically and with regard to content. Subsequently an effort to evaluate the effect of the legal press norms in society through selected criterions. Final résumé could...

Přikrylová, Veronika
Volební právo v první Československé republice

Analysis of the right to vote in the years 1918-1938, the process of creating Czechoslovak laws and the constitution, the organization of the right to vote in the lower and upper houses, the First Republic's right to vote in municipal, provincial and district councils.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 301