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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 482
Strapková, Tereza
Home office - výhody, nevýhody a úskalí práce na dálku

The bachelor thesis deals with the home office. The goal of the bachelor thesis is to find out how this area of working law is applied in practice through the eyes of ordinary employees and managers. In the theoretical part it is firstly introduced what the term ...

Pittrová, Petra
Živnostenský úřad

The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of trade offices in the Czech Republic. The introductory part focuses on legal regulations concerning trade law. The thesis extensively analyzes the legal provisions, with particular attention given to the Trade Offices Act, including its amendme...

Stegmüllerová, Sára
Home office - výhody, nevýhody a úskalí práce na dálku

The topic of the bachelor's thesis is home office, i.e. working from home or remotely. The work consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part, the advantages, disadvantages and threats of remote work are discussed above all. Among other thing...

Pešlová, Michaela
Získávání nových příslušníků u Policie České republiky

The bachelor thesis examines the process of recruitment and selection of new members of the Police of the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on basic concepts in the field of personnel management, characteristics of the police force, a detailed description of the search and se...

Nová, Sofie
Porovnání pozic žen a mužů v managementu

This bachelor thesis deals with the conditions of women and men in managerial positions. It defines terms related to management, as well as discusses the different positions of women and men managers throughout the history. It focuses on the negatives that the position of a&#x...

Malíková, Barbora
Městský veřejný prostor v ČR

The subject of this bachelor thesis is the analysis of urban public space in the Czech Republic. Public space represents a system that is the result of the long-term historical development of cities and their growth. It's main purpose is to ensure the basic functioning...

Nováková, Lenka
Zeleň ve veřejném prostoru

The topic of my bachelor thesis is Greenery in public space. My thesis contains a theoretical and a practical part, where in the theoretical part I discuss public space and especially public greenery. In the practical part I will elaborate and evaluate 20 questions asked ...

Langerová, Lucie
Matriční úřady v České republice

The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of registers from the beginning of their historical development. The thesis introduces registry offices in the Czech Republic, specifically their jurisdiction and activities. It describes the entire process of maintaining registry books, entries into ...

Jarolímová, Denisa
Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci - výzva pro 21. století

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the issues of occupational safety and health (OSH). The first part deals with the history of OSH. The second part is devoted to the characteristics of basic concepts. The following parts concern legal regulations (Czech Republic, EU, international).&...

Klavíková, Markéta
Konflikty na pracovišti a jejich vliv na výkony zaměstnanců

This bachelor thesis deals with workplace conflicts, their impact on employee performance and concepts such as harassment, mobbing and bossing. The theroretical part primarily focuses on a detailed explanation of the concept of conflict, causes and course. The empirical part was conducted&#x...

Malá, Kateřina
Celoživotní vzdělávání (CŽV) úředníků ve veřejné správě a jeho význam

The bachelor's thesis deals with the benefit of lifelong education of officials in public administration. The goal was to analyze and evaluate the course of education in various branches of public administration and to determine their contribution to the environment. In the th...

Kliner, Šimon
Outplacement a jeho význam pro zaměstnance i zaměstnavatele

This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of outplacement and its importance for employees and employers. It discusses in turn the concept of work, employment, HR and outplacement. The practical part aims to find out what is the awareness of outplacement in the Czech Republic.

Zilizi, Martin
Reforma veřejné správy v České republice po roce 1989

This bachelor thesis deals with the development and reform of public administration in the Czech Republic after the year 1989. It consists of an introduction, individual chapters divided into subchapters, and a conclusion. The introduction provides an overview of the issue, states the&#...

Vlach, Marek
Příspěvková organizace

In this bachelor thesis I focus on the financing and management of contributory organisations. The bachelor thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter focuses on explaining the non-profit sector and its financing and management. The second chapter already deals with the ...

Diblíková, Eliška

The topic of this bachelor's thesis is expropriation. Expropriation is one of the most serious infringements on citizens' property rights. This topic is currently relevant, but it also constitutes an integral and rich part of our history. Property rights are guaranteed by law&#x...

Kučera, Pavel

The bachelor thesis deals with the topic "benefits". The aim of the thesis is to find out the level of satisfaction in private and public sector. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals first with the history of benefits, th...

Turečková, Marie
Age management - trend aktivního stárnutí

The bachelor's thesis deals with age management and the trend of active aging. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The strategies and tools of the concept are defined here. The definition of the concept is also defined here.

Bártová, Lenka
Etika úředního jednání

This bachelor thesis is about "Ethics of official act". It describes public administration, its principles and structure. It also deals with the concepts of ethics, morality, responsibility and freedom of action. The ethics of official action are dealt by individual codes that ...

Šlechta, Ondřej
Šikana na pracovišti

The bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of workplace bullying. The thesis explains the concepts of mobbing, bossing and staffing. The thesis also deals with the legal regulations in which support can be found in the fight against bullying in the workplace and then moves...

Sýkora, Jan
Personální procesy v úřadě územního samosprávného celku

This bachelor's thesis deals with personnel processes within the office of a local self-government unit, providing a comprehensive view of the theoretical foundations for filling job positions and the practical application of these principles in the specific environment of a city office....

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 482