Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KSR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 482
Halyová, Markéta
Místní referendum

The title of my bachelor thesis is Local Referendum. The main goal of my bachelor thesis is to explain to the readers the concept and all the circumstances related to this term. This bachelor thesis consists of seven chapters.

Hanáková, Adéla
Ženy na trhu práce - problémy zaměstnávání, odměňování a profesního rozvoje žen

The topic of my bachelor thesis is women in the labour market - the problems of employment, remuneration and professional development of women. I chose this topic because it is one of the current and ongoing problems in the Czech Republic. This bachelor thesis...

Staňková, Sára
Umění ve veřejném prostoru

The bachelor thesis is dedicated to the topic of Art in Public Space. The topic of the thesis is focused on the current process of creation and disposal of artworks in public space with regard to the amendment of the Percent for Art Act. The bachelor thesis is&#...

Nikl, Ondřej
Občanská participace na správě města

The bachelor thesis deals with the participation and activist possibilities of citizens at the local level, i.e. mainly at the level of municipalities and cities. The thesis describes the most well-known ways in which citizens of municipalities and cities can participate in their f...

Kohout, Radek
Město budoucnosti - současné vize urbanistického rozvoje města Pardubice

The bachelor thesis "City of the future - current vision of urban development of the city of Pardubice" focuses on the concept of Smart City, its implementation in the city of Pardubice in order to improve the quality of life in the city and its development ...

Balejová, Květa
Vysoká škola (Veřejnoprávní samospráva nebo veřejný podnik?)

At work, I will deal with the law of universities. I will describe their historical development, history. I will also present the sources of university law at the national and international level. I characterize their organs. Accreditation system and accreditation commissions. In conclu...

Kabešová, Eva
Zeleň a veřejný prostor

This bachelor´s thesis deals with public space in general and in a specific form in the city of Jičín.

Hrochová, Tereza

The bachelor thesis deals with the legal regulation of expropriation. The goal of the work was primarily to map the given topic from a theoretical point of view. The basis of the work was mainly professional literature, legal regulations, but I also based it on, for ...

Kvíderová, Adéla
Elektronizace veřejné správy v České republice

This bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of e-Government electronic administration in the Czech Republic. In the first part, basic concepts and foundations are defined, such as legal dualism, its historical theories, the definition of public interest, and public administration, including th...

Pazderová, Kateřina
Pracovní podmínky a jejich vliv na výkon zaměstnance

This bachelor thesis focuses on working conditions and their impact on employee performance. It defines the basic concepts related to the legal regulation of working conditions in the context of employee care, discusses occupational health and safety, describes working hours and environment,...

Kupková, Kateřina
Ochrana informací v činnosti správních orgánů

This bachelor´s thesis deals with the protection of information within the activities of administrative authorities. It defines the legal obligation of administrative authorities to provide information. At the same time, it deals with the protection of data from misuse.

Šizlingová, Petra
Bezdomovectví a squatting

This bachelor's thesis focuses on the issue of homelessness and squatting and its solution in the form of regulation and solutions of state and non-state non-profit organizations. The practical part is carried out at the low-threshold facility Domov sv. Františka belonging to the&#x...

Sikyta, Michal
Zachování venkova a možnosti jejich vývoje

The author of the bachelor thesis focused on a specific rural unit, the village of Chlumčany. The thesis maps the gradual retreat from the countryside as such through the development of services, development areas or, for example, better road access to the village. From the&#x...

Svobodová, Alena
Veřejný sektor, veřejné služby

The bachelor thesis deals with public sector and public services. The thesis is divided into two main chapters, which are then divided into subchapters. The firts chapter deals with the concept of the public sector. The chapter analyzes the definition of the public sector, its...

Stupková, Veronika
Etika úředního jednání

This bachelor thesis is focused on the ethics of public administration and especially on the ethics of the Police of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with ethics, morality, professional ethics and police ethics, the Code of Ethics of the Police ...

Sloupová, Marie
Komunikační strategie územních samospráv

The bachelor's thesis deals with the communication of the territorial self-government with citizens. For high-quality and effective communication, they have a communication strategy developed by an independent agency that analyzes internal and external communication and communication tools of local...

Samohejlová, Barbora
Generace X, Y, Z - mezigenerační porozumění, komunikace, interakce

This bachelore´s thesis deals with topics such as generations and communication. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, concrete generations are discusse, namely generations X, Y and Z. The thesis also discusses the topic of communicati...

Potopalský, Evžen
Krajské volby 2000-2020

The topic of the bachelor thesis is regional elections in the Czech Republic in the period of 2000-2020. In the bachelor's thesis, you can find an explanation of terms closely related directly to regions, as well as elections to them. The main part of the thesis ...

Navrátilová, Mirka
Šikana na pracovišti - mobbing, bossing

The bachelor thesis deals with bullying in the workplace, and later with specific forms of mobbing and bossing. The theoretical part focuses on workplace bullying, its definition in the Legal Code of the Czech Republic, mobbing, bossing and employees in leading positions. The pract...

Sikorová, Kateřina
Veřejný prostor

The bachelor thesis deals with public space, specifically public space in the context of the village. The theoretical part is focused on public space in a general sense, followed by the terms countryside, village and population. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devo...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 482