Disertační práce / Dissertations (KMO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Prantl, David
Využití sociálních médií v podnikání s důrazem na marketing The dissertation thesis deals with the use of social media in business and mainly identifies the key areas in which organizations can effectively use social media. The author used mixed method research strategy. In the first part of the thesis the existing knowledge with a... |
Mičík, Michal
Využití online nástrojů pro talent management v podnikové praxi v ČR The dissertation thesis deals with the use of personal marketing online tools for talent management in organizations in the Czech Republic. The author used mixed method research strategy with exploratory sequential design. In the first three chapters, that constitute the theoretical basis... |
Kunešová, Hana
Vývoj B2C e-commerce v České republice a komparace se zeměmi EU The dissertation thesis focuses on one of the categories of electronic commerce, specifically B2C e-commerce. The research topic of the dissertation thesis is the development of B2C e-commerce in the Czech Republic and comparison with the European Union member states. The author used... |
Petrů, Naděžda
Rodinné podnikání - příležitost a mezigenerační výzva The present dissertation focuses on the issues of family entrepreneurship and their application in the business environment, primarily in the Czech Republic. The theoretical section of the paper defines the fundamental concept of a family business, family farm, family entrepreneurship and it... |
Janeček, Petr
Vliv organizací destinačního mangementu na rozvoj podnikatelských aktivit v regionu The dissertation thesis "Influence of Destination Management Organizations on the Development of Business Activities in the Region" focuses on the activities of DMOs and their interactions with the tourism service enterprises in the destination. Relationships between destination management organi... |
Vildová, Eliška
Spokojenost zákazníka - předpoklad efektivního řízení podniku cestovního ruchu The dissertation entitled "Customer Satisfaction A Precondition for the Effective Management of a Tourism Business" focuses on verifying the effect of customer satisfaction on the functioning of a business in the context of a spa organization. The objective of the diss... |
Vildová, Eliška
Spokojenost zákazníka - předpoklad efektivního řízení podniku cestovního ruchu The dissertation entitled "Customer Satisfaction A Precondition for the Effective Management of a Tourism Business" focuses on verifying the effect of customer satisfaction on the functioning of a business in the context of a spa organization. The objective of the dissertati... |
Petrtyl, Jan
Využití e-business pro dosažení konkurenční výhody podniků The dissertation thesis is focused on a current, often discussed topic ? use of infor-mation and communication technologies (ICT) in companies. The author wants to enrich scientific discussion from several points of view. The text is systematically divided: At first, the topical backgro... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služeb / Department of Marketing, Trade and Services