Polívka, Martin
Vliv Průmyslu 4.0 na požadavky kladené na ERP systémy The presented dissertation thesis deals with the issue to what extent the current rapid development of information and communication technologies, referred to in the literature as the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" or the emergence of "Industry 4.0", affects enterprise information ... |
Komorousová, Veronika
Výkonnost společností ve zvoleném odvětví ve vztahu k udržitelnému rozvoji a spotřebě The doctoral thesis titled "Performance of Companies in the Selected Industry in Relation to Sustainable Development and Consumption" focuses on the public transportation sector. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether there are differences in performance in selected cities o... |
Palacká, Alena
Reporting udržitelné výkonnosti podniku This dissertation deals with sustainable performance and its reporting. The main goal of this thesis is to map the current state of reporting on the corporate sustainable performance and propose recommendations regarding reported indicators in the form of a set of indicators of sus... |
Macková, Marie
Rozvoj systému ekonomického řízení ve vybraném segmentu nestátních neziskových organizací The dissertation focuses on the development of economic management system in a selected segment of non-governmental non-profit organizations. The selected segment is the segment of registered legal entities, which are established by the churches and religious societies according to the legal ... |
Burešová, Veronika
Rozvoj řízení udržitelné výkonnosti výrobních podniků vybranými metodami Performance Management Author of the submitted PhD thesis follows up the problems associated with management of the sustainable performance level within the medium-sized manufacturing companies operating in the Czech Republic. First of all development of domestic and foreign authors´ perceptions on the main techni... |
Hruška, Zdeněk
Hodnocení vlivu environmentálních daní na podnikatelské subjekty v České republice The dissertation deals with the issue of environmental taxation and contains new knowledge in both theoretical and practical terms in this area. The issue of environmental taxation is a currently most discussed topic at a global level, therefore the work focuses first on the t... |
Zborková, Jitka
Model podnikového účetnictví udržitelného rozvoje This dissertation thesis looks into the issue of the sustainable development at the level of enterprises. The sustainable development concept has firstly been discussed and then gradually implemented on the macroeconomic level as a result of the rising problems with the consumption of&#... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra financí a účetnictvi / Department of Finance and Accounting