Disertační práce / Dissertations (KMT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Fadrhonc, Jan
3D modelování ve výuce na základních školách This dissertation thesis deals with the implementation of teaching 3D modeling in primary schools. In the theoretical part, the reader is acquainted with selected basic concepts in the field of pedagogy, psychology and computer science. The technologies of 3D modeling and 3D printing&#x... |
Mollerová, Marie
Česky psané kalendáře vydávané na přelomu 16. a 17. století The doctoral thesis is linked to the diploma thesis dealing with personality and the creation of Kašpar Ladislav Stehlík. Thanks to this work I met the different types of calendars, which in the Czech Republic in 16. and 17. century. In the years 1550 - 1660 several&... |
Piskač, Václav
Kombinované experimenty ve výuce fyziky na základní škole The doctoral thesis focuses on teaching physics at primary school and in the corresponding classes of multi-year grammar schools. The basic tools of physics teaching include demonstration and frontal experiments. My goal was to create methodologies of combined experiments - sets of comp... |
Remiš, Tomáš
Fyzikální vlastnosti membrán pro palivové články ve výuce v základním vysokoškolském kurzu The primary goal of thesis is to summarize current knowledge about renewable energy sources, especially fuel cells, which will be used in teaching. This topic must be sufficiently detailed and clear at the same time. It must comply with the requirements for topic by teachers&#... |
Vochozka, Vladimír
Multimediální výuka fyziky The dissertation deals with the possibilities of multimedia teaching of Physics. The main trends in this area include 3D models and simulations, video experiments, video recordings of physical tasks, physical measurements with a smart mobile phone, and thermal camera observations. In the... |
Bednář, Vít
On-line experimenty při výuce fyziky na základní škole My dissertation thesis deals with possibilities of usage of on-line experiments in physics. It briefly characterizes Vernier, PASCO and NeuLog educational systems. On a theoretical level of this dissertation, it describes the didactic transformation of teaching physics from transmissive-instructive mo... |
Prusíková, Lenka
Astronomové působící na území České republiky a možnosti začlenění poznatků o nich do výuky na ZŠ We have been living in the era of great development on the field of science and technology. We have made big steps especially in the nuclear physics, electronics and astronomy. But we can see lots of successful work in the astronomy in the past also. Astronomers trie... |
Plzák, Jan
Využití fantasy a sci-fi literatury a filmu ve výuce fyziky The disertation is dealing with physical analysis of literary and film sci-fi extracts. It~includes presentation usable in the science lessons at secondary schools. The survey mapping awarenes of sci-fi films and literature was carried out for the purpose of~choosing and focusing the pr... |
Aichinger, Daniel
Mezioborový výukový koncept akustiky a digitálního zpracování zvukového signálu Acoustics at secondary level schools in Czech Republic in present days is being taught as an appendix of the physics lessons dealing vibrations and waves. There are of course still many themes related to sound being taught in other school subjects. However this happens often&#... |
Kratochvíl, Pavel
Počítačové modely pro výuku elektroniky The contents of my disertation is a complex analysis of using models in teaching electronics at technical secondary schools. It provides the evaluation of freeware as well as commercial software for simulation of physical processes on basis of their mathematical interpretation or on... |
Kéhar, Ota
Katalogy astronomických objektů na webových stránkách Astronomia a jejich použití ve školách In the thesis I deal with usage of catalogs of astronomical objects in the education process. |
Kohout, Václav
Využití interaktivních dotykových tabulí v České republice a ukázkové výukové téma na rozhraní fyziky a informatiky The dissertation engages in two basic subjects, which are connected into one whole. The first part concerns the problems of equipping primary schools in the Czech Republic with modern presentation didactic technologies ? interactive whiteboards. My dissertation records the conditions of usin... |
Duršpek, Jan
Fyzika živých systémů - optika a termodynamika živých systémů Slide fyziklálních application of principles in Nature in optics and thermodynamics. |
Meškan, Václav
Didaktické aspekty rozvoje kreativity ve výuce fyziky na základní škole Presented dissertation strives to find new ways of nurturing creativity of pupils in teaching of physics at primary school and to analyze additional aspects affecting this process. Opening chapters contain basic findings of psychology of creativity, pedagogical concept of creativity, brief d... |