Články / Articles (KMT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ungr, Tomáš
Moc, Pavel
Inteligentní elektroinstalace v domácnosti This article deals with the comparison of classic wiring and smart wiring in the home. We will describe the classic electrical installation and focus on its advantages and disadvantages. In the case of intelligent wiring, we will look at its principle. We will compare partial&... |
Nedvědová, Jana
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Herní činnosti v matematice A probe took place at the 1st stage of primary school with the aim of creating their own mathematical play activities for pupils in the 1st to 5th grades, implementing them with pupils and carrying out reflections. When creating didactic games, we were mainly ... |
Hrdličková, Natálie
Honzíková, Jarmila
Aichinger, Daniel
Didaktické pomůcky v předškolním zařízení Children in pre-primary education perceive the world around them with all their senses. From a teacher’s perspective it is important to involve these human senses as far as possible. Therefore, such didactic aids are often used to gain new knowledge that are interestin... |
Sedláčková, Alena
Simbartl, Petr
Testování květinových námětů na tvoření pro děti v MŠ This paper addresses themes for the development of fine motor skills in children in kindergarten. It focuses on the importance of fine motor skills in children, which is necessary for their development and when starting primary school. It gives reasons why this needs to be... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Honzíková, Jarmila
Technical Subjects and Their Popularity in Context of Technical Education Support Considering the great social demand for qualified technically oriented workers, it is necessary to develop the interest in technical fields. The article introduces research focused on mapping the current situation of (non)interest of primary-school students in technical fields and especially veri... |
Jacíková, Jitka
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Kohout, Václav
Využití dětských časopisů ve výuce matematiky The Czech curriculum framework for elementary education contains cross-disciplinary topics which link together the single areas of education. These topics deal with current global issues and contribute to a well-rounded education. Media education, which teaches students how to use the potential... |
Trymlová, Jitka
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Frank, Jan
Untitled The logical game SUDOKU has become a very widespread phenomenon during a relatively long period of its existence. Especially in recent years, when it began to appear regularly not only in printed periodicals, but also on the Internet, solving SUDOKU is a very popular activity&... |
Kohout, Jiří
Pešková, Michaela
Skopečková, Eva
Voltrová, Michaela
Zur Wahrnehmung der kommunikativen Kompetenz durch Lehramtsstudierende |
Slavík, Jan
Janík, Tomáš
Kohout, Jiří
Češková, Tereza
Mentlík, Pavel
Najvar, Petr
K teorii aktivního vzdělávacího obsahu v transdidaktickém pojetí This theoretical study builds on Fisherman‘s view of active content as an agent of cognitive change and on Kvasz’s theorem that cognitive changes on the level of historical cultural epistemology and cognitive changes on the level of student’s personal epistemology can be explain th... |
Moc, Pavel
Současný stav technického vzdělávání pomocí počítačem řízených strojů na zš a sš The aim of the work is to research the attitudes of students to technical education and their influence by teaching focused on computer-controlled machines (e.g. milling machines, engravers, 3D printers). The prerequisite for the research is the creation of a research study, which ... |
Honzíková, Jarmila
Aichinger, Daniel
STUDIUM UČITELSTVÍ PRO 1. STUPEŇ ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLY Teacher training for primary education (ISCED Level 1; Class 1 to 5; in Czech Republic called first stage of basic education) is one of the most demanded fields of study in teacher education at Czech universities within the last years with the number of applications highl... |
Slavíková, Eva
Krotký, Jan
Rozvoj algoritmického myšlení v kontextu řešení matematických úloh na 1. stupni základní školy The article introduces a pedagogical experiment which is aimed on verification of mathematical results and on confirmation of the selected strategies through algorithmic processes. The algorithmic thinking in the context of mathematical tasks ... |
Rieneslová, Denisa
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Schopnost dětí řešit různé typy labyrintů In a preschool establishment, an experiment took place with the aim to assess 5- to 6- year-olds' ability to solve different types of labyrinths. Three labyrinth types were included - a three-dimensional square multi-path labyrinth wi... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Král, Jan
Modifikace urbanova figurálního testu tvořivého myšlení pro potřeby vyhodnocení 3D modelů vytvořených žáky ZŠ The article describes modifications of Urban's figural test of creative thinking (TSD – Z) for the needs of evaluation of first (age 6 – 11) and second (age 11 – 15) grade students in the field of spatial orientation and creativity, based on the eva... |
Moc, Pavel
Programování počítačem řízených strojů z pohledu RVP a ŠVP oday's requirements clearly indicate the need to focus on technology, machines, robotics, etc. with a focus on their control. There is space for machine programming, this activity connects several educational areas. Above all, it is a... |
Lukšíková, Marcela
Technické obory popularizované v historických i v současných časopisech Based on a detailed examination of the content of historical and contemporary journals, it was possible to make a mutual comparison of their work. After reviewing and reading historical magazines, their search was written. Selected interesting facts from technical j... |
Capová, Petra
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Využití pomůcek při inkluzivním vzdělávání v matematice A probe focused on inclusive education opportunities in mathematics took place at elementary schools. Its goal was to create tasks and activities in arithmetic and geometry for children with ... |
Kohout, Jiří
Buršíková, Dana
Frank, Jan
Lukavský, Jindřich
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Rohlíková, Lucie
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
Vejvodová, Jana
Voltrová, Michaela
Efektivita distanční výuky během pandemie covid-19 Since spring 2020, the ongoing covid-19 pandemic has significantly influenced education worldwide due to forced school closures and the necessity to switch to distance learning. The aim of... |
Armakolas, Stefanos
Papakonstantinou, Nikolaos
Griva, Anastasia
Krotký, Jan
Distance based laboratory specialty courses An important aspect of distance learning is considered to be the flexibility it provides, both in terms of the time, but also the place of its conduction. That freedom of choice makes it a necessity, for the educational institutions ... |
Honzík, Lukáš
Frank, Jan
Jedno využití MS Excel ve výuce matematiky The spreadsheet MS Excel is a well-known part of MS Office. Pupils are taught to work with it in computer science lessons, and so it is not a completely strange environment for them. Besides working with cells and patterns, charting and other issues that... |