Modelování deformačních a dynamických procesů / Deformation and dynamic processes modelling (MDP)
Recent Submissions
Voldřich, Josef
Lazar, Jan
Polach, Pavel
Morávka, Štefan
Stanovení tuhostí kontaktních prvků ve výpočetním modelu olopatkovaného disku parní turbíny A method is proposed for fitting the so-called contact stiffnesses (CSs) of interface elements for a nonlinear dynamic model (NDM) of a bladed disk with integral contact couplings. The method is based on comparison between frequencies of the resonant response of NDM and known ... |
Voldřich, Josef
Lazar, Jan
Polach, Pavel
Analýza nelineárních vibrací rotujícího kola parní turbíny s lopatkami LSB48 Currently, long blades of rotating wheels of steam turbines’ low-pressure stages comprise integral structural contact elements. The contact elements reinforce the bladed disk, which leads to re-tuning its natural frequencies. But they also act as friction dampers in the case of higher v... |
Voldřich, Josef
Lazar, Jan
Polach, Pavel
Kontaktní tuhosti a analýza nelineárních vibrací olopatkovaných disků s třecími kontakty mezi sousedními lopatkami This work is focused on the computation of vibrations for the last stage bladed disks of steam turbines. The blades with two integral structural contact (ISC) couplings are considered. The cyclic symmetry properties of bladed disks and the method of modal transformation utilising f... |
Voldřich, Josef
Modelling of the three-dimensional friction contact of vibrating elastic bodies with rough surfaces |
Matas, Richard
Kňourek, Jindřich
Voldřich, Josef
Influence of the terminal muffler geometry with three chambers and two tailpipes topology on its attenuation characteristics |