Číslo 2 (2008) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vymětal, Dominik
Balanced quotation analysis in IT projects In large IT projects aiming at ERP change, a lot of tools can be used, which are very often used in unstructured way. In spite of a lot of tools proposed for Request for Proposal (RFP), it often happens in the analysis of answers to RFP that... |
Hub, Miloslav
Valenta, Zdeněk
Víšek, Ondřej
Heuristic evaluation of GeoWeb In present time there is great demand for geographic information provided by internet. Therefore it comes to large development of internet applications which provide these services. Applications are built by many means however the majority destitute many defects. One of th... |
Klímek, Petr
Shlukovací metody v data miningu Data mining is a new discipline lying at the interface of statistics, database technology, pattern recognition, machine learning, and other areas. It is concerned with the secondary analysis of lar- ge databases in order to find previously unsuspected relationships which are... |
Vrtěnová, Lucie
Ullwer, Jan
Analysis of oil product prices: selected practical issues The introduction to the issues of the economics of the crude oil processing enterprises (refine- ry) and the analysis of the relationship between the crude oil price (the input of the refinery) and the prices of selected oil products (the output of the refinery)... |
Hronec, Štefan
Meričková, Beáta
Marcineková, Zuzana
The medicine education investment evaluation methods Development of health care system and effectiveness and efficiency of health care services is increasingly dependent on the investments of human resources thus preserving and educating in- tellectual capital. Many research studies proved the importance of educational investments as t... |
Boujelbène Abbes, Mouna
Boujelbène, Younès
Bouri, Abdelfettah
Monumentum profits and trading costs This paper investigates whether momentum strategies remain profitable, when the trading costs, including price impact are considered. Using French enterprises quoted over the period 1995- 2004, momentum strategy is applied for various formation (6 and 12 months) and holding (1, ... |
Pilík, Michal
Nové marketingové trendy jako příležitost zvýšení vlivu marketingu na dosažení konkurenčních výhod This paper is the extract of the thesis „New Marketing as an Opportunity of Increasing Marketing Influence on Enterprise Competitiveness“ which was successfully defended in June 2007. New marketing trends are the future of marketing theory and business practice. Literature ... |
Skřivánková, Valéria
Tartaľová, Alena
Catastrophic risk management in non-life insurance The paper deals with some aspects of modelling catastrophic risk and with its application to non- -life insurance claims. First, we formulate the problem of generalization of classical Cramér-Lundberg collective risk model. Then using some well-known extreme value results we stu... |
Horehájová, Mária
Marasová, Jana
The institutional factors of the corporate social responsibility development in the central european countries There is a one important reality economists agree on and it is the changing role of businesses in society. The way in which the role of businesses in society is growing is given by increased sen- sitivity to and awareness of environmental and ethical issues.&... |
Roethlein, Christopher J.
Mangiameli, Paul M.
Quality in supply chain: an exploratory case study This paper examines an eight tier (including a tier for end users) supply chain whose end product is an oven range. Categories of quality attributes were determined and seven entities (representing seven different levels in this supply chain) were interviewed on topic... |
Jáč, Ivan
Vyhodnocení dotazníkového projektu v rámci inovačního řešení disparit The paper focuses on creation of questionnaire project with the aim to extend and complete in- formation about situation in economically weak areas. The questionnaire investigates „soft indica- tors“ due to a lack of data in a statistical enquiry of the Czech Statistical... |
Bureš, Vít
Analýza rozhodnutí Evropské komise v oblasti zneužití dominantní pozice v letech 1990-02 Competition policy is an often subject of heated debate and criticism not only due to its con- troversial nature but also that is often advised by rival economic theories. Economic scholars are debating if it is difficult to determine whether the alleged significant... |
Uramová, Mária
Kožiak, Radoslav
Regional disparities in Slovakia from the aspect of average nominal wage One of the basic preconditions of successful regional politics and its effective implementation in a particular economic environment is knowledge of this environment - the region, its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for development as well as threats. Regional politics ... |
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