Číslo 4 (2009) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bánociová, Anna
Analýza vývoja dane z pridanej hodnoty v Slovenskej republike The transformation of the Slovak economy to the market oriented one required to perform funda- mental changes in the entire tax system. Tax reforms executed in 1993, 1995 and 2004 triggered extensive changes of the Slovak tax system. Qualitative changes of value added&... |
Pacáková, Viera
Linda, Bohdan
Simulations of extreme losses in non-life insurance The analyses of insurance risks are an important part of the project of Solvency II preparing of European Commission. The risk theory is the analysis of the stochastic features of non-life insu- rance business. The field of insurance risk theory has grown rapidly. ... |
Kuvíková, Helena
Diverzifikácia finančných zdrojov v neziskových organizáciách One of conditions for a successful working of every organization is finance provision. The finan- cial question of existence of non-profit organizations is connected with particularities which are derived from their service and non-commercial status in the society. Nowadays the ... |
Odehnalová, Pavla
Olševičová, Kamila
Agent-based simulation of development stages of family businesses This article builds on results of the empirical research “The competitiveness of companies” done by Masaryk University in 2007. Within the group of 432 observed companies there were found interesting characteristics of family businesses (91 companies). The family business was... |
Semrádová, Ilona
Ethical aspects of corporate culture The article is focused on the need of development of company culture from the axiological and ethical viewpoint. Theoretical solutions of ethics with regards to limitations of requirements for company code of conduct are studied here. The generally accepted approach of... |
Blašková, Martina
Correlations between the increase in motivation and increase in quality The paper deals with the quality from the point of view of motivation, and vice versa, it deals with the motivation from the point of view of the quality. It defines the basic correlations between the quality and the motivation in an organization. The q... |
Tomek, Gustav
Vávrová, Věra
Operační, provozní či operativní management výroby The integration of determinant functions of value forming chain is solved by the subsystem of operational control of manufacturing. It is based on an operational plan, which represents the com- plex control instrument formed by the closely tied plans of sales, manufacturing... |
Raguseo, DomeNico
Horehájová, Mária
An in-class experiment with Augustin Cournot This paper illustrates the results of an experiment where students were made to play quantity- -setting game based on the Cournot theory of duopoly. The aim of the in-class experiment was to provide student with a more active way of oligopoly strategy learning. At... |
Hlaváček, Petr
The foreign direct investments in the Usti region: theory, actors and space differentiation The article was focused on the analysis of the direct foreign investments benefits for the de- velopment of the region and monitoring the differences in the localisation of the foreign direct investments on the example of the Usti Region and its counties. Between... |
Radović Marković, Mirjana
Globalization and gender participation in the formal sector in developing and transinational countries Relatively little has been written on the impact of globalization on women who work in informal economy. This paper seeks to fill this gap by focussing on the impact of globalization on women who work in the informal economy .In other words, the author ... |
Fárek, Jiří
Foltýn, Jaroslav
Ceny ropy: tendence, problémy, perspektivy This article deals with the new quality of situation in recent price – hikes of crude oil as the most important fossile source of energy. It analyses the post war development which started rather smo- othly, but was interrupted by two oil shocks and one ... |
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