Číslo 2 (2015) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vyšohlíd, Martin
Hrnčířská pec z 15. století z Hrnčířské ulice v Berouně In 2013, archaeological excavations were carried out in the town of Beroun (Central Bohemia) on the site of an abandoned pottery works in a suburb north of the town’s center. Excavation uncovered evidence of pottery workshops from the 14th to the first third of the 17th... |
Čapek, Ladislav
Úvodní slovo |
Doležalová, Kateřina
Těsnohlídek, Jakub
Slavíček, Karel
Mazáčková, Jana
5. workshop k vrcholně až pozdně středověkým keramickým souborům |
Musil, Jan
Hrnčířské podložky z Chrudimi Pottery stilts or shelves belong to an overlooked and little-known artifact associated with the production of Early Modern glazed pottery. In pottery terminology, these terms represent a group of objects that encompasses a fairly wide group of artifacts. A batch of pottery vessels ... |
Krasanovská, Hana
Model výrobních okruhů a jeho aplikace na pozdně středověkou keramiku z měst jihozápadních Čech In the area of southwest Bohemia (with an overlap into northwest Bohemia), areas of distribution of specific technologically-morphological groups of pottery will be studied, with an emphasis on development over time as well as from a synchronous perspective. With the help of similarly... |
Kožíšek, Jan
Příspěvek k archeologizaci keramiky a výpovědní hodnotě nálezových souborů z pražských Vysočan The paper focuses on analysis of medieval pottery assemblages collected during a rescue archaeological excavation in the centre of Prague-Vysočany in 1999 and 2002. Pottery assemblages are described and their formal properties are then analysed. Some specific problems of site formational pro... |
Hobl, Luboš
Keramický soubor z hradu Gutštejna This article presents the results of a medieval pottery analysis from Gutštejn Castle (District of Tachov). The medieval pottery was obtained during archaeological excavations in the years 1997–2001. The proposed chronological model, which provides the basis for further pottery research, was ... |
Čapek, Ladislav
Rozhovor s docentem Františkem Gabrielem |
Doležalová, Kateřina
Výzkum vrcholně a pozdně středověké keramiky na území České republiky se zaměřením na deskripční systémy a třídění keramiky podle technologie výroby Pottery is the most abundant type of artifact found during archeological excavations of the High and Late Middle Ages. The aim of this article is to briefly summarize historical periods of former and contemporary pottery research, the methods that have been used in research de... |
Čiperová, Monika
Pavelka, Jaroslav
Šmejda, Ladislav
Detekce stop mléka v porézní keramice z neolitu jihozápadních Čech a otázka trávení laktózy u evropských populací v minulosti The authors of this study focus on analyses of milk traces preserved in the form of organic residues on potsherds dated to the Neolithic and later periods. Commercial immunological tests for analyses of protein allergens in cooked food were used to detect milk remains. By ... |
Čapek, Ladislav
JERVIS, Ben (2014): Pottery and social life in medieval England: towards a relational approach. Oxford a Philadelphia: Oxbow Books. |
Čapek, Ladislav
Okruhy studia (středověké) keramiky aneb keramika jako archeologický pramen This paper deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the research problems surrounding the processing of medieval pottery in the Czech Republic with a comparison with the state of research abroad. The main themes of pottery studies are discussed, such as chronology, produc... |
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